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Likkutei Torah Ki Bayom Hazeh #3: What Is Davening?

When You Become One with Oneness

1 hr 12 min

Class Summary:

When You Become One with Oneness

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  • O

    Odom -7 years ago

    In the shiur מעכ"ת spoke about giving tzedaka, please allow me to share a story. A bachur in Montreal whose parents did not have much money, was called into the office of HaRav Yankel Bistritz ZT"L and the Rosh Yeshiva asked him from where does he have spending money for various odds and ends, the bachur mumbled some sort of an answer to which the Rosh Yeshiva responded "First of all don't borrow a dollar here and a dollar there from other bachurim, you are not going to remember about it and borrowing money and not paying back is a very serious thing". Then he added that he will give the bachur a monthly stipend to cover his basic needs "send your shirts to the cleaners buy yourself a danish..." and then he added "and every once in a while buy someone else a danish". The bachur left the room shocked at the Rosh Yeshiva’s sensitivity to understand the bachur’s need to feel ‘regular’ and to even feel the joy of being generous and giving.

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 9, 2017
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  • 13 Iyyar 5777
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