President Putin Embracing Russia's Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar
12-13 Tamuz Farbrengen
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This farbrengen is dedicated by our dear friend Reb Nachum Litkowsky in loving memory of his mother, Esther bas Yitzchak, in honor of her yartzeit on 12 Tamuz
Live Farbrengen, Thursday, July 6, 2017, 9:00 PM EST, 20 Forshay Road, Monsey, NY, for men and women
12-13 Tamuz Farbrengen
Rabbi YY Jacobson
This farbrengen is dedicated by our dear friend Reb Nachum Litkowsky in loving memory of his mother, Esther bas Yitzchak, in honor of her yartzeit on 12 Tamuz
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Elaine Nibley -2 years ago
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Degel from Texas -6 years ago
What merits does this bloody leader V. Putin get for you that you placed him on your front page of this farbrengen?
Are you sure it fits for your website?!?!
Just think about the following: they care less what you are talking about, the only thing what is matter for them is the fact that you advertise this former KGB agent and legitimize his power ...
Sorry to say that but you, Rabbi YY (!) was used for his adds.
Think about that at the next bloodshed of his... Who knows whom they will chose...
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sh r -2 years ago
can one put a picture of napoleyon or alxsander the graet, since they were murderes?
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Chaim Bochner -7 years ago
Thanks so much Rav Jacobson for this wonderful farbrengun.
To add to the wonderful m"n of the Rebbe Rayatz:
Seforim hakdoshim (I think the Rebbe also spoke about this!), it's known that a yid doesn't need to know the results of his maasim tovim, etc...
The Rayatz NEVER actually saw the fruit for the toil and pain he went through. Many years later, his efforts became realized...
The avodah, along with strong Emunah and Bitochon with strong yearning to Hashem, kept him going and he did not take any guilt, remorse, or even second thoughts regarding his fight with Stalin ym"s, to his tzion.
We can learn from this that as long as we do the right things with m"n, Hashem is with us and hopefully we'll be zoiche that our efforts are realized.
Yasher Koach
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Judith Friedmann -7 years ago
After the fall of the communism I went often to Moscow where Raw Moishe Solowetschik created Beth Yehudiss for girls and Yeshivass Toirass Chayim for boys it was amazing to witness the thirst for Jiddishkeit more than 300 girls baalas teshuvos were married off.I myself witnessed the wedding of a Jewish woman who divorced her non Jewish husband and married a Jewish man who divorced his non Jewish wife.....the wedding took place in the yeshivoh Toirass Chayim not far from Moscow the yeshivoh was located in the holiday home from the ex Soviet kgb surrounded by a river for safety reason it was amazing hear the droshes...I think Raw Silver gave chuppoh Kedusho....there were no taxis one had to stop cars......thank you Rabbi cooking can wait
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Judith Friedmann -7 years ago
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Yochanan Gordon -8 years ago
Another fascinating shiur! I had the following question. In Rebbi Akiva's worldview there is no classification such as 'lav' or negativity. How then does the Torah categorize the 'hen' and 'lav'. Is Rebbi Akivas perception more unified than the Torah itself? Is such a feat plausible?
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