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What Was the Real Shape of the Menorah?

Why did the Rambam depict a different Menorah than everybody else?

1 hr 4 min

Class Summary:

What Was the Real Shape of the Menorah? - Why did the Rambam depict a different Menorah than everybody else?

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  • Y

    yehoshua -11 years ago




    wonderful class, We learnt a lot new. my mentor here in Israel is sfardi and here and there as I come across amazing classes i have been introducing him to chabad chasidut. he loves it. and especially this class. thank you for the class...

    the curriculum PDF of not working is there another link?



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  • M

    moriah -11 years ago

    It seems after doing some research on the Internet that there were many differnet types of branches on Jewish menorahs.


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  • M

    moriah -11 years ago

    Is it possible the branches of the menorah were made into the curved shape so commonly known as a symbol by the Romans of breaking the Jews?

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  • T

    Tzemach -12 years ago

    new class
    Rabbi garelik what happen this week to the new class, we are looking forward.

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  • GS

    Gershon Shapiro -12 years ago

    Dear Rabbi Garelik A gutten Erev Shabbos Thank you for the excellent Chazarah & shiur on The Rebbe's sichos I wonder if you would be available  to speak @ a yud tes Kislev Farbrengen in the Bronx Next Sunday ( December 3 I believe) or if you can reccomend someone .if yes please write me [email protected]

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    • A

      Anonymous -12 years ago

      Re: general
      Please send me an email at [email protected]

      Kol Tuv

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  • J

    joe -12 years ago

    Very interesting classes, Rabbi Garelik. Thanks so much, and thanks to the TheYeshiva.net for featuring them.

    You are a good teacher, Rabbi. I enjoy the passion and the diverse information.

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  • B

    ber -12 years ago

    how did he know
    But how did the Rambam know that it was not half circled?

    And if the Rambam would have been to Rome and seen the Arch of Titus with the image of the round menorah, do you not think he would have drawn it that way perhaps?

    I mean, it seems to me that the best proof is the arch of titus which was built just a few years after the destruction of the Second Temple. I think, that would be the best proof.

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    • A

      Anonymous -12 years ago

      Re: how did he know
      Dear Ber,

      Thanks for the excellent questions.

      1. how did the Rambam know?

      Answer: in the class I mentioned that the Rebbe gives several options: either that the Rambam rceieved this Bekabolo (from his  teacher who received it from his teachers etc.), and the Rebbe brings a Pirush Hamishanyos Leharambam that just like a Esrog we know what it is bekabolo etc,

      Another option is, that the Rambam had a Medrash that we dont have (as we see it in Rishonim that they quote medroshei Razal that have not reached us.

      2. Had the Ramabam been in Rome.

      Answer: its a long subject but I will address it briefly.

      Going to Rome  wouldnt help as the Menora in Rome has several flaws (as discussed in the class). Plus, there are some that write that the Menora that Titus took was not the original one anyway.

      there is another Sicha (in Parshas Tezave) perhaps we will do it then, where we have the same issue with the "Tziz" what the kohen gadol wore on his forehead and there we find a machlokes between the chachomim how they wrote the words, and although Rabbi Eliezr ben Rab Yossi said "I saw it in Rome and it was so and so" - the Chachomim did not accept that because what they have in Rome is not necessarily correct....  so it cannot serve as "proof". 

      If you find in a Gniza a pair of tefillin with 5 Batim, is that proof that they wore 5 batim or it is in the "Gniza" because it is wrong?...

      This also extendes to Tefillin of Rashi and RRabeinu Tam - which one did Moshe Rabeine waer? etc.

      And let us not forget that Rashi was before the Rambam and he also says that they were straight.

      thank again for the exceelent questions.

      Rabbi Levi Y. Garelik

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  • S

    Sergey -12 years ago

    Your lectures are very good. I have listening for several months and they are built and explain ChaBaD chassidus. Rebbe’s Sichos became crystal clear. Your lectures contain nice stories and bring main points of the sichos.

    Thank you

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    • A

      Anonymous -12 years ago

      Re: Great!
      Thank you Sergey.(do you hebrew name?)

      I wish you much Hatzlocho in your learning!

      Rabbi Levi Y. Garelik

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  • E

    ESN -12 years ago

    Great Class
    Wow just fantastic class.  Loved the brief backgrounds about all the different Rabbis quoted in the class.  Great closing video. 

    Keep the classes coming.

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    • A

      Anonymous -12 years ago

      Re: Great Class
      Dear ESN,

      With such encouragement, IYH they will come....

      Rabbi Levi Y. Garelik

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Levi Garelik

  • November 12, 2012
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  • 27 Cheshvan 5773
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Dedicated by Josh and Robyn Goldhirsch

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