Chanukah 5785 -- a Video a Day
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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In loving memory of Rivka Dinah bas Reb Shraga Faivish Moshe
In honor of her Yartzeit on the first night of Chanukah
Dedicated by her children Reb Faivish and Tamar Pewzner
Day #1: Chanukah 5785 -- a Video a Day
Chanukah 5785 -- a Video a Day
Rabbi YY Jacobson
In loving memory of Rivka Dinah bas Reb Shraga Faivish Moshe
In honor of her Yartzeit on the first night of Chanukah
Dedicated by her children Reb Faivish and Tamar Pewzner
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Anonymous -1 month ago
Wow! As an orphan, chanukah is very difficult for me since it is a time for family, and my family is broken. This message lifted my heart a little. Thank you Rabbi YY for your kind and caring words.
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freida hecht -1 month ago
Extraordinary thank you for your powerful beautiful and poignant words. my tears are flowing but what an uplifitng message to cherish as we begin chanukah.
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