Yossi Paltiel
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Chassidus: Torah Ohr Purim Yavi'yu Levush Malchus #1
The Transformation From Consciousness to Matter
How Undefined Infinity Is Embodied in Matter
Chassidus: Torah Ohr Purim Yavi'yu Levush Malchus #3
The Holy Haman: I Matter
Judaism Is Not About Self Esteem; But Without It We Can Destroy Ourselves
Torah Or Purim Chayav Einish 5780 #1
The Curse and Blessing of Telling Jokes & Stories
How Does Gemarah Help Me as a Person? Why Would Purim Trump All Holidays? How Can a Death Penalty Be So Relative?
Torah Or Purim Chayav Einish 5780 #2
The True Father of Psychoanalysis
Truth on One Level Becomes a Parable for a Higher Level
Torah Or Purim Chayav Einish 5780 #3
Every Law in Judaism Can Be Explained as a Psych-Spiritual Pattern
The Goring Ox Inside of You; The Clay Pipe as a Parable for Human Existence
Torah Or Purim Chayav Einish 5780 #4
Every Idea in Torah Is a Parable; But What’s the Ultimate Idea?
Can an Idea Become a Parable for Infinite Undefined Reality?
Torah Or Purim Chayav Einish 5780 #5
Why Some Jews Need to Learn All Day, While Others Only a Few Minutes
How Many Parables Do You Need to Discover Your Truth?
Torah Or Purim Chayav Einish 5780 #6
When G-d Overwhelmed Us With Love, He Forced Us Into the Relationship
Is Judaism Based on Love or Guilt?
Torah Or Purim Chayav Einish 5780 #7
Love Is Scary
Only When I Feel the infinite Love, Can I Surrender My Separateness
Torah Or Purim Chayav Einish 5780 #8
When You Touch a Place that is Beyond Reason
Why the Joy of All Holidays, Besides Purim, Has a Limit
Torah Or Purim Vayoshet Hamelech #1
Never Doubt Your Inner Love
What Is the Deeper Meaning of All Jewish Holidays? An Opportunity to Dig
Torah Or Purim Vayoshet Hamelech #2
Touching the Tip of the Scepter
When G-d Becomes G-d, He Is Not Being G-d. Accessing the Space Where No Trauma Can Disturb the Truth of Your Infinite Oneness
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