Chassidus: Torah Ohr Purim Yavi'yu Levush Malchus #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by the Mensch Family in memory of their mother and grandmother, Malka bas Ephraim
This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Tetzaveh, 9 Adar, 5783, March 2, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Torah Ohr Purim Yavi'yu Levush Malchus #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by the Mensch Family in memory of their mother and grandmother, Malka bas Ephraim
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Chaim Bochner -2 years ago
Beautiful. Can you please note the source of the Chidshei Harim about the story of the Shikur and one day Purim only? I have people asking me where it is. Thanks.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
It is said that whereas the yidden were
Coerced at Mattan Torah, with the mountain over their heads if they don't accept the Torah (query why this is so if they already said "naaseh v'nishna"?) Creation was on shaky ground precisely because their acceptance was coerced. This is said to have continued until Purim when the yidden accepted without coercion.
Really? Weren't the physical lives of the yidden threatened by Haman et al? Isn't that the same physical threat of death? Both times they were threatened with death.
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Sara -2 years ago
"When giving advice
does the person giving the advice have personal experience with the issue?"
interesting comment for many reasons. 1) Most people giving the advice don't have the personal experience ; 2) even if they do/did have the experience, doesn't mean their reactions are the way others do/react to a given situation and that opinion/advice being give resonates.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
"If it's a mitzvah that can be done by another
Then continue learning and let the other do the mitzvah!"
But......if everyone thinks and acts that way, all will continue learning, no one will do the mitzvah and the person in need will starve!
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Even on paper communism doesn't
Account for the psychological fact that when there is no profit motive to work hard, innovate, etc., the system will not work
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Anonymous -2 years ago
The maamer begins with a quote from Haman
Did Haman really say this?
Did Billam say what is written in his name?
No! It's all dvar Hashem!
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Anonymous -2 years ago
You said last night that those who are
Persistently late are really trying to control the other.
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