Torah Or Purim Chayav Einish 5780 #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Dena Schusterman, in honor of our grandson SD Lapidus, and our parents CI and Leah Drizin's 50th wedding anniversary
This class was presented on Parshas Tetzaveh, 6 Adar, 5780, March 2, 2020, at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Torah Or Purim Chayav Einish 5780 #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Dena Schusterman, in honor of our grandson SD Lapidus, and our parents CI and Leah Drizin's 50th wedding anniversary
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Anonymous -5 years ago
'Tumah is proportionate with value' that is why it is metameh the air space. If so by the pipe it certanly should be mekabel tumah because its value to transfer over taking for itself shoud be considered more valuable?
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Moshe -5 years ago
When a child grows up and matures
Every month you say goodbye to your old child and say hello to the new one. The old one gone forever. The new one built upon the foundation of the old.
Ditto for myriads of things in this world. Accumulated technology, science and wisdom. Constructed matter. Wealth. The list could go on and on.
We build upon the past. The current generation stands on the shoulders of previous generations.
That's why yesterday's geula, yesterday's freedom and breakthroughs are today's golus, today's restrictions and today's stagnation.
Man is called a "mihalech", a walking being compared to angels. We must walk, walk forward, move on, break thru barriers even those barriers that were yesterday's success.
Not for nothing is a prison (or debilitating illness) meant to confine movement.(kudos and Refuah Shelayma to Yitzy Erps).
3,000 misholim WITHIN Torah is quite something but it's not all there is because the whole Torah is a moshel for what preceded Torah, yidden and creation.
The body is a conduit for passing along the flow of Divine energy. And like our blood vessels, too much cholesterol can restrict the flow and weaken the body. Ruchnious Cholesterol is the bad stuff we shouldn't be putting into the pipe.
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