Dedicated by Judy and Tamir, in honor of our anniversary and in honor of our childrens' birthdays, Oriyah Bracha, Matanel Ari & Tiferet Chana Goodman
Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein in the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov Rabbi Gavriel Noach and Rivki Holtzberg
Class Summary:
Can Holy People and Places Become Corrupt?- A Debate between a Samaritan, a Rabbi, and an Animal Driver Examines the Nature of the Sacred. To be Holy, You Actually Have to Be Holy
Insights So satisfying how deeper reflection on such matters may reveal great insights. The most powerful one that came to me was via " the arduous labor and sweat of the individual who never stopped fighting for his soul". That made helpful sense to me. I am not sure if I am fighting for my soul as I don't understand that bit. I guess, right or wrong, I always have the sense that my soul is safely in the care of Hashem. But I do have the sense that I am & always have been involved in a big struggle to progress in a deeply important way & which is vitally enmeshed with Hashem. So now I am trying to see this more meaningfully regarding the bigger scheme of things. Still am working on acquiring this understanding.
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grateful -11 years ago
wonderous I was just learning that part and you brought clarity beauty and hope to that enigmatic part of the parsha. Thank you!
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brenda and annie -12 years ago
The Flood of Noah Thank you...sometimes we tend to carry on.... and "see" things that aren't actually there.... that's why we need to "bounce" it off of you... to see if it is bubcus or si there really something there....
Thank you.
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brenda and annie -12 years ago
The Flood of Noah Rabbi Jacobson... We are so glad you did this shir. We, my sister and i, are wondering something if you might answer it.
Reading today's Parsha... in Deuteronomy 7:20... we have a question. When it is speaking of how HaShem will send hornets among the "survivors and hidden ones".... is it possible that these hidden ones and the survivors actually were people that survived, like Og, the Flood of Noah... and they actually escaped this Judgment from HaShem... and became... the ones You, the Children of Israel, were commanded to destroy from the Land... the hittites, amorites, cananites, etc... and that's the reason you had to kind of... "complete" this Job of HaShem... He was allowing You to bring their judgment on those who escaped HaShem's Judgment back in Noah's Day?
Did Og hang on to the Ark, and .... "got off" at the Land of Israel, thinking he was escaping this Judgment?... as one of the survivors? And, somehow he had descendants, or others that may have followed him on the outside of the Ark, thinking they had a way out of this destruction, but now.... Israel... when You went into the Land, the conquering you had to do, was to complete this Judgment that these survivors and hidden ones thought they had escaped, but now ... it was their time for the Judgment to come to them?
Is this the reason You were to go into the Land and "conquer" it? To complete this Judgment of HaShem from the flood?
And..... the 10 spies when they went into the Land to spy it out....and said with their evil report, (Numbers 13:28)... that they saw the "offspring of the giant".... were they talking about the giant Og's offspring? And, now, looking at their statement of it being too strong for them, and that they could not do this... were they saying that they could not complete this Job of HaShem... they didn't believe they could do this Job of completing the Judgment from Noah's Flood?
What does the grasshopper represent in Numbers13:33.....Were they diagreeing with the Judgment HaShem was saying they should do, or they would view themself as a grasshopper of the Land, and then the people there would view them the same way.... grasshopper being one who would "devour"?
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Anonymous -12 years ago
Re: The Flood of Noah It is an interesting insight but I never saw it or heard it.
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dini -13 years ago
holiness corruption interesting class. can you take this one step further? how does this discussion relate to our lives, today?
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yitzchok -13 years ago
source is this based on a sicha? normally in the curriculum the source is given and this time i could not see it?
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: source We posted a final draft of the curriculum with all of the sources. Please review again.
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אליהו ניאזוף -13 years ago
מענה לשאלת הכותים
שעור נפלא. הרי הכותים מאמינים בתורת משה .והרי בתורה כתוב שהקב"ה מגרש את 7 העמים בגלל רשעותם. ועוד יותר גם היהודים מקבלים אזהרה שאם לא יתנהגו כשורה יגלם מהארץ! אבל עם הבטחה שיחזירם לאחר תקופת הגלות.
והשאלה נשאלת מדוע רבי יונתן לא השיב להם מן התורה מחכה לתשובתך.
בכל הכבוד והערצה שותה בצמא את דבריך.
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: מענה לשאלת הכותים
כבוד הוו"ח אי"א נו"נ בר אוריין וכו' מו"ה ר' אליהו שי': במענה לשאלתו, הרי עדיפא לי' יש להקשות על המוסלמים, שמאמינים כביכול בתורה ושם נאמר שהארץ ניתנה לישראל מאת ה', ומדוע טוענים ש"לסטים אתם" בלשון רש"י ר"פ בראשית? אלא שטוענים שכביכול הנבואה המאוחרה יותר להנביא שלהם מוסיפה דברים חדשים, והעובדא שישראל לא קיבלו את הנביא שלהם מחייבם להשפילם ולדכאם עד עפר וכו', והתורה הזאת תהי' מוחלפת רח"ל. ועד"ז הי' אצל הכותים. הם פירשו כל פסוק כפי מה שהם רצו ולפי דעצם הכוזבת שהם ה"יהודים" האמיתיים, והבטחות התורה לעם ישראל נתבטלו, וכיו"ב. בכלל יש כלל בחיים, שהשוחד יעור גו', וכל אחד מעיז לפרש כל פסוק ופסוק לפי מחשבתו, רצונו ותאוותו. ומביא ראי' מהפסוקים ש"עובדים" לטובתו, ומתעלם מהפסוקים שסותרים את דבריו, או מגלה פנים בהם שלא כפי האמת. וזאת ראינו בהוויכוחים עם הנוצרים והמוסלמים וכו', שסילפו את התורה כדי להתאימה עם דיעותיהם ותאוותיהם. כי רק במיעוטא דמיעוטא האמת האבסלוטית היא נר לרגליהם.
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Brocha Weinberger -14 years ago
Yasher Koach Dear Rabbi Jacobson, I just wanted to let you know that we enjoy your weekly lectures tremendously! I share them with friends and relatives, and they too get a tremendous amount of chizuk. Chazak V'ematz and keep them coming. Kesiva V'chasima Toiva.
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ari -14 years ago
raising the sparks The poem is klipas nogah and there sparks were just lifted
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AJF ESQ -14 years ago
Poem To source?
Perhaps but when YYJ has recited the poem live it is even more dramatic.
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sylvia -14 years ago
thanks very moving, and very beautiful.
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Yaffe -14 years ago
source? not sure if it matters but the poem was written by a Christian spiritualist
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Chaim -14 years ago
Music Where is the music from?
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געצאלע -14 years ago
שיעור נפלא אינני יודע מהי סיבת המיעוט בתגובות, (אולי בגלל ימי הקונטרי?) בכל אופן -השיעור יפה מאוד, הנושא - מעניין, והמסר - יפה
הצלחה רבה
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Kayo, Tokyo -14 years ago
As usual Baruch HaShem
Todah for in depth analysis.
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Rabbi YY Jacobson
July 26, 2010
15 Av 5770
Dedicated by Judy and Tamir, in honor of our anniversary and in honor of our childrens' birthdays, Oriyah Bracha, Matanel Ari & Tiferet Chana Goodman
Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein in the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov Rabbi Gavriel Noach and Rivki Holtzberg
Please leave your comment below!
Rosemary -11 years ago
So satisfying how deeper reflection on such matters may reveal great insights. The most powerful one that came to me was via " the arduous labor and sweat of the individual who never stopped fighting for his soul". That made helpful sense to me. I am not sure if I am fighting for my soul as I don't understand that bit. I guess, right or wrong, I always have the sense that my soul is safely in the care of Hashem. But I do have the sense that I am & always have been involved in a big struggle to progress in a deeply important way & which is vitally enmeshed with Hashem. So now I am trying to see this more meaningfully regarding the bigger scheme of things. Still am working on acquiring this understanding.
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grateful -11 years ago
I was just learning that part and you brought clarity beauty and hope to that enigmatic part of the parsha. Thank you!
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brenda and annie -12 years ago
The Flood of Noah
Thank you...sometimes we tend to carry on.... and "see" things that aren't actually there.... that's why we need to "bounce" it off of you... to see if it is bubcus or si there really something there....
Thank you.
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brenda and annie -12 years ago
The Flood of Noah
Rabbi Jacobson... We are so glad you did this shir. We, my sister and i, are wondering something if you might answer it.
Reading today's Parsha... in Deuteronomy 7:20... we have a question. When it is speaking of how HaShem will send hornets among the "survivors and hidden ones".... is it possible that these hidden ones and the survivors actually were people that survived, like Og, the Flood of Noah... and they actually escaped this Judgment from HaShem... and became... the ones You, the Children of Israel, were commanded to destroy from the Land... the hittites, amorites, cananites, etc... and that's the reason you had to kind of... "complete" this Job of HaShem... He was allowing You to bring their judgment on those who escaped HaShem's Judgment back in Noah's Day?
Did Og hang on to the Ark, and .... "got off" at the Land of Israel, thinking he was escaping this Judgment?... as one of the survivors? And, somehow he had descendants, or others that may have followed him on the outside of the Ark, thinking they had a way out of this destruction, but now.... Israel... when You went into the Land, the conquering you had to do, was to complete this Judgment that these survivors and hidden ones thought they had escaped, but now ... it was their time for the Judgment to come to them?
Is this the reason You were to go into the Land and "conquer" it? To complete this Judgment of HaShem from the flood?
And..... the 10 spies when they went into the Land to spy it out....and said with their evil report, (Numbers 13:28)... that they saw the "offspring of the giant".... were they talking about the giant Og's offspring? And, now, looking at their statement of it being too strong for them, and that they could not do this... were they saying that they could not complete this Job of HaShem... they didn't believe they could do this Job of completing the Judgment from Noah's Flood?
What does the grasshopper represent in Numbers13:33.....Were they diagreeing with the Judgment HaShem was saying they should do, or they would view themself as a grasshopper of the Land, and then the people there would view them the same way.... grasshopper being one who would "devour"?
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Anonymous -12 years ago
Re: The Flood of Noah
It is an interesting insight but I never saw it or heard it.
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dini -13 years ago
holiness corruption
interesting class. can you take this one step further? how does this discussion relate to our lives, today?
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yitzchok -13 years ago
is this based on a sicha? normally in the curriculum the source is given and this time i could not see it?
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: source
We posted a final draft of the curriculum with all of the sources. Please review again.
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אליהו ניאזוף -13 years ago
מענה לשאלת הכותים
שעור נפלא. הרי הכותים מאמינים בתורת משה .והרי בתורה כתוב שהקב"ה מגרש את 7 העמים בגלל רשעותם. ועוד יותר גם היהודים מקבלים אזהרה שאם לא יתנהגו כשורה יגלם מהארץ! אבל עם הבטחה שיחזירם לאחר תקופת הגלות.
והשאלה נשאלת מדוע רבי יונתן לא השיב להם מן התורה מחכה לתשובתך.
בכל הכבוד והערצה שותה בצמא את דבריך.
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: מענה לשאלת הכותים
כבוד הוו"ח אי"א נו"נ בר אוריין וכו' מו"ה ר' אליהו שי': במענה לשאלתו, הרי עדיפא לי' יש להקשות על המוסלמים, שמאמינים כביכול בתורה ושם נאמר שהארץ ניתנה לישראל מאת ה', ומדוע טוענים ש"לסטים אתם" בלשון רש"י ר"פ בראשית? אלא שטוענים שכביכול הנבואה המאוחרה יותר להנביא שלהם מוסיפה דברים חדשים, והעובדא שישראל לא קיבלו את הנביא שלהם מחייבם להשפילם ולדכאם עד עפר וכו', והתורה הזאת תהי' מוחלפת רח"ל. ועד"ז הי' אצל הכותים. הם פירשו כל פסוק כפי מה שהם רצו ולפי דעצם הכוזבת שהם ה"יהודים" האמיתיים, והבטחות התורה לעם ישראל נתבטלו, וכיו"ב. בכלל יש כלל בחיים, שהשוחד יעור גו', וכל אחד מעיז לפרש כל פסוק ופסוק לפי מחשבתו, רצונו ותאוותו. ומביא ראי' מהפסוקים ש"עובדים" לטובתו, ומתעלם מהפסוקים שסותרים את דבריו, או מגלה פנים בהם שלא כפי האמת. וזאת ראינו בהוויכוחים עם הנוצרים והמוסלמים וכו', שסילפו את התורה כדי להתאימה עם דיעותיהם ותאוותיהם. כי רק במיעוטא דמיעוטא האמת האבסלוטית היא נר לרגליהם.
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Brocha Weinberger -14 years ago
Yasher Koach
Dear Rabbi Jacobson,
I just wanted to let you know that we enjoy your weekly lectures tremendously! I share them with friends and relatives, and they too get a tremendous amount of chizuk. Chazak V'ematz and keep them coming. Kesiva V'chasima Toiva.
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ari -14 years ago
raising the sparks
The poem is klipas nogah and there sparks were just lifted
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AJF ESQ -14 years ago
To source?
Perhaps but when YYJ has recited the poem live it is even more dramatic.
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sylvia -14 years ago
very moving, and very beautiful.
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Yaffe -14 years ago
not sure if it matters but the poem was written by a Christian spiritualist
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Chaim -14 years ago
Where is the music from?
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געצאלע -14 years ago
שיעור נפלא
אינני יודע מהי סיבת המיעוט בתגובות, (אולי בגלל ימי הקונטרי?)
בכל אופן -השיעור יפה מאוד, הנושא - מעניין, והמסר - יפה
הצלחה רבה
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Kayo, Tokyo -14 years ago
As usual
Baruch HaShem
Todah for in depth analysis.
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