Women's Elul/Ki Savo Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated for Yitzchak ben Blimah, for a complete and speedy recovery
This women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Ki Savo, 17 Elul, August 28, 2018, Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY
Women's Elul/Ki Savo Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated for Yitzchak ben Blimah, for a complete and speedy recovery
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David -2 years ago
Wow wow wow I'm speechless thank you so much
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Anonymous -4 years ago
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Anonymous -5 years ago
The word Atah is also used in parsha veetchanan, when it says" veatah, lama lo namoot, kee tochleinu ha aish hagrola hazot. What does it mean there? "And now, why don't we die , why doesn't this big fire consume us?"
Does atah also mean repentance?
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Anonymous -5 years ago
Perhaps. I need to research it. Thanks.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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Ziporah Zien -6 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson,
Atah, with an ayin . NOW! Wow! What an inspiring lecture and the interpretation of 'now' by the sources you quote, which indicates that this word is the opening of Teshuvah which Hashem has prepared for Adam and Chavah after the Chet.
It led me to an insight which seems to fit in, I stand to be corrected if I have extrapolated too much, but it seems to tie in with an idea that I learned from Rabbi Ezriel Tauber, shlit"a. when Hashem said "Tov Meod" at the end of Creation, the Meod is the word for Adam turned inside out and it is man's job to correct himself to earn merit for Olam Haba and not to receive Lechem Oni. This new condition which causes man to strive is not just 'tov' as the creation of water or the creation of ... but here it is termed 'Tov Me'od' . This statement was uttered by the Cre-ator after Adam and Chavah had sinned.
How could 'now' in this first appearance of the word עתה possibly mean Teshuvah?
When someone sets up a new system for ordering a new product what is it they write or say in their ads? ' And NOW, you can enjoy....'. So in this first appearance in Breishis, Hashem set up this new opportunity, which was necessitated in the aftermath of the sin, for without the sin there would have been no need for Teshuvah.
The thought continues, 'and now they may eat of the Tree of Life and live forever!'
'And now' a new deal is being presented, that offers them the opportunity to move on into the natural, physical world, עולם הזה , and to look for, discover the Tree of Life which is the Torah, in order to merit living forever in עולם הבא, the next world or on a spiritual plane. Actually our lives now are also a part of Eternity, No?
Rabbi Jacobson, you have just proven that Madison Avenue imitates Hashem's strategy, albeit for the wrong purpose.
Rabbi Jacobson, may you and your wife be blessed abundantly for her part in your portion. Thank her from all of us! Please do it!
What a blessing it is for us to have your invigorating and insightful, essential and important messages available on Torah anytime. May they generate genuine Teshuvah in all Yidden everywhere, both on the physical plane, as they hear your שעורים, and on the spiritual plane, as those who hear your words impact the world with their heightened prayers and learning.
Now we can add to the spatial (special) motto of my husband's life, 'You are here', the temporal take on the same idea, 'You are NOW!'
In addition we understand the most important message, 'You are here now for Teshuvah!'
The wife of a Ba'al Tokeah who has made it his life's work to master such ideas. May we all merit to take advantage of the opportunity offered, now!
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Pessie -6 years ago
This poem inspired by the ideas of this class.
You already know it takes more than resolve to keep a word: But in that vow
you invoked a wild and blooming mirage: We make a promise and take its prescribed flight—
the promise an arc with a foregone conclusion, a rivulet of unpredictable direction.
Now, more than ever the rote muscles kick in, hungry for firmament.
The well-worn tactics whine, the engine of habit and its pistons in high gear, the fuselage
a body burning for a barrage of fuel. We promise, we rush, hopeful and barrel toward a finish line:
What you thought should be possible is a swing and fight for survival, but in that promise
you didn’t yet know what you would miss: More than abstention, what heckles is an emptiness.
How you want to be free of something— but the vacuum remains once you refrain.
You cannot be everywhere at once—You cannot be everywhere at once—
Your eyes peeled in front of you are unaware to what might unfold, yet you smell the acrid demise,
a pungent trail of entrails, those raw parts excised in a beak of hawkish principals.
When you ask something of becoming, you beg something of the architecture…
and no one wants to fall apart, break down the structure and start again.
You, in a jungle of facts you cannot undo and the ideal that glows somewhere
like a bit of light at the woods’ edge. Even if you don’t know what the future holds,
you find yourself answering to yourself: Come back, come back something calls—
as if the innocence at the beginning was also the end…
What you gathered is that you cannot be rid of these fallible moments, these mementos.
You cannot take leave of this body and everything it remembers—
the body dependent, in need of the old curvature that fit like a glove. After all the promises,
what was true is truer now still, that insistent ideal that sings like a whippoorwill.
And your wistful desire propels you down the worm-hole of who you were and what you are now.
You couldn’t foresee the mites of regret gnawing at the roots of your transient logic.
You couldn’t intend to be mired in it, but there you are, dragged by your shifting intentions.
There is no such thing as stasis when you are feeding and growing. Change, change something sings...
It reminds you of a child tugging your hem: How he grabs your hand, how he drags you with him,
wanting and needing, wanting and needing.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Beautiful shiur, thank you so much for delivering such nice shirin.
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Cirel -6 years ago
Without depression
Reb Yoichonon Gordon A”H once encountered a bochur this time of the year carrying a sefer of Rabbeinu Yoinoh. And he looked quite “down”. So Reb Yoichonon asked him. “ Vos bistu azoi
Farchmuret ?” So the bochur answered, It’s teshuva time, Very Serious business !!!! So Reb Yoichonon says, Teshuva? Teshuva? Teshuva is a Roshay Taivois: TRINK SHPIRT UN BAIS HERRING. Gay tzu a chassidishe farbrengen vestu hoben TESHUVA.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Thank you so much. I loved it. Where is the Radbaz?
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Moshe isenberg -6 years ago
And NOW let's get on with the program
Thank you for another inspirational shiur, always needed, especially in Elul. The message of now is put this way by R.Wolbe: all that occurs to us is called "input". (This includes the past and our present circumstances). The future is, from the point of now, just a fantasy. The only matter wthin the realm of our free choice is our "output", our reaction or action, here and now. Man is distinct from both angels and animals having been given the power of free choice. Adam haRishon erred in his one area of free choice at his first opportuinity. We're still paying the price. The Torah is the guide on how to make smart, correct desired choices.. In this vein, the bt, and the convert, have made the ultimate positive fere choice, ffbs usually going on unexamined momentum.
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Molly -6 years ago
thank You very much for this warm words.
its difficult at times to see past your own exile. But it’s empowering to know that it’s not only about things changing. It’s about the now, this moment how I take it. This shuir was really in place. Because it’s never to much to get words of wisdom and empowerment to be able to most importantly face your self but also the world. It’s hard to ignore the world. But now is all I have to face and now it’s up to me how to not let it over take me fully.
it’s a Constant battle to be able to see past your own exile.
Thank you rabbi.
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