Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND
In honor of Rebbetzin Gittel bas Rivka Gansburg
and Menachem Mendel ben Nechama Chanin
On the occasion of their birthday on the 7th of Tammuz
May they have a שנת ברכה והצלחה בגו״ר and enjoy long, happy and healthy years
and glean much nachas from their children and families
and give true nachas to the Rebbe
Class Summary:
When one feels pain from the lack of G-dly revelation in Galus even when seemingly he personally lacks nothing physically or spiritually, he accesses the essence of his soul even more than one who languishes in the most difficult of circumstances of mesiras nefesh.
Q: But how can one cultivate such a desire to have redemption from Galus?
A: He must "viyikchu ailecha", partner in the work of the Rebbe, and this raises his sensitivity towards the need for G-dliness to be revealed in the world.
You gave me such a newfound appreciation of what a rebbe means and strengthened my connection.
I am so grateful, for this gem!
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Yossi Paltiel
July 8, 2014
10 Tamuz 5774
Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND
In honor of Rebbetzin Gittel bas Rivka Gansburg
and Menachem Mendel ben Nechama Chanin
On the occasion of their birthday on the 7th of Tammuz
May they have a שנת ברכה והצלחה בגו״ר and enjoy long, happy and healthy years
and glean much nachas from their children and families
and give true nachas to the Rebbe
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Esther Lazerson -5 months ago
Thank you for the beautiful shiurim!
You gave me such a newfound appreciation of what a rebbe means and strengthened my connection.
I am so grateful, for this gem!
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