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Likuttei Sichos Savo: Between the Baal Shem Tov & the Alter Rebbe

General Chassidus and Chabad Chassidus -- Nuclear Energy vs. Channeled Energy

2 hr 14 min

Artist: Zalman Kleinman | Chaiartgallery.com

Class Summary:

This text based class on Likkutei Sichos vol. 9 Parshas Ki Savo, explains why Jews were not obligated to perform the mitzvah of Bikurim (bringing the first ripe fruits to the Kohen in Jerusaledm) till the entire land was conquered and settled by the entire natiuon. It moves on to explain the diffrence between teo giants in Jewish history who share the birthday of 18 Elul: the Baal Shem Tov's school of Chassidic thought vs. the Alter Rebbe's school of Chabad thought.

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    Rabbi YY Jacobson

    • August 31, 2015
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    • 16 Elul 5775
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    To Pascale Shoshana Sasson: You are a great Mother and Eishet Chayil!
    From Benjamin, Maya, Leah, Joseph , Tally and David Pisarevsky

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