Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This lesson explores the argument in Kabbalah if we can apply any characteristics to G-d. It dissects the views of the Rambam, Maharal, and Alter Rebbe on the subject. The map of the Divine.
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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yitzchok kaye -10 years ago
when the download mp3 for this and other classes (on chrome) is pressed, does not download but goes to a audio on line. Is there a way to download?
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Rabbi YY Jacobson -10 years ago
The source for the insight about the Rambam not giving a reason for the mitzvah of Lechem Hapanim:
I heard it many years ago from Reb Yoel Kahn shlita. He quoted it in the name of a great man, but did not tell us the source. The chemist Reb Chaim Shilt sent me today the source: The introduction to the book Beis Yaakov by Rabbi Yaakov Leiner, the son of the famed Rebbe of Ishbitz, the Mei Hasheloach, page 6 of the introduction.
Here is the link: http://beta.hebrewbooks.org...
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