The Rebbe continues the Mammar with explaining why we dance at weddings, and what it takes to create a successful marriage. Then it goes on to explain to forms of knowledge -- positive knowledge and enlightened ignorance
The Nusach in the alter Rebbe's Siddur is Samach Tesamach (with a Patach) not Sameach Tesamach (with a Tzeirei). As you mention that the Alter Rebbe was very meticulous with the words and nekudos.
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YG -10 years ago
Perhaps תוארים שלילים could be translated as describing the abstract element of something similar to what you said - what it is not...
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SDB -10 years ago
The Nusach in the alter Rebbe's Siddur is Samach Tesamach (with a Patach) not Sameach Tesamach (with a Tzeirei). As you mention that the Alter Rebbe was very meticulous with the words and nekudos.
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YG -10 years ago
Perhaps תוארים שלילים could be translated as describing the abstract element of something similar to what you said - what it is not...
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