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How We Defeat Spiritual Viruses

Stories of Inspiration During the Coronavirus

1 hr 8 min

Class Summary:

This is the first part of the Special Children's Program, the segment which includes stories of inspiration. This program was livestreamed by Rabbi YY Jacobson, at his home in Monsey, NY, at 4:00pm EST, on Sunday, Parshas Vayikra, 26 Adar, 5780, March 22, 2020.

For the second part of this program which includes Rabbi YY addressing the children's many questions go to https://www.theyeshiva.net/jewish/7438

Please leave your comment below!

  • H

    Hillel -4 years ago

     I just want to thank you for all the beautiful shiurim I hear from you especially during these trying times. I am an electrician and i honestly wouldn't be able to make it through the day w.o being plugged into your inspiration.

    God bless you and all your family for everything you do for Klal Yisroel

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Thank you so much! I really enjoyed this class eventhough I am not a kid. but I did not listen to all the kids questions and would like to know the answer to your riddle which shul had a minyan this shabbos. thank you!

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  • C&H

    Chaim & Henny -4 years ago

    Children’s Program tops everything

    I have been an avid listener of your classes on Theyeshiva.net, and find your classes to be inspiring and thought provoking.
    But your Children’s Program tops everything! You are talking to the children with respect and dignity, on a higher level, not 
    Talking down to them. We are sitting in quarantine in Yerushalayim, my husband and myself and have just watched your Thursday Program
    Children understand much more than adults think they do, as we can see from those questions you received on the program.  And we ‘grown up children’ enjoy your positivity, your energy and excitement in the Torah you share with your audience. I have spread the word among our children and grandchildren too.
    Both my husband and I grew up in Crown Heights in the fifties and sixties and though not Chabad chassidim, we 
    cherish the memories of the Rebbe and the occasional farbrengens, and getting to know many Lubavitcher families. My husband would like to share with you that your esteemed father R’ Gershon Jacobson, was a household name in his home growing up where the 'Morgen Journal' was read.
    We invite you to visit us in Israel on your next trip, hopefully very soon in good health when this crisis will be a thing of 
    The past. B’Ezras Hashem we will all recall this period of time as a memorable and growing experience.
    Much hatzlacha in all your chashuve endeavors
    Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim and Henny Walkin
    Bait Vegan

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  • C

    Chaya -4 years ago

    Whas there a creation before this world

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    • C

      Chananya -4 years ago


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  • M

    Miriam -4 years ago

    Dear Rabbi Jacobson שי׳
    My favorite expression is "Everything has an advantage." I love seeing the benefits of the quarantine. You are radiating more love and joy to us in your classes. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate it, and admire the wisdom and sensitivity you have with the children. Thank you for being a leader and stepping up to the plate. 

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Special Children's Program #2a

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 22, 2020
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  • 26 Adar 5780
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