Wedding In Jewish Slobodka is a painting by Eduard Gurevich
Women's Behaaloscha Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated in the loving memory of Yeshayahu Yosef, Jesse Cohen, ben Yacov Leib, in honor of the Yartzeit 12 Sivan
This Women's class was presented on Tuesday, 15 Sivan, 5778, May 29 , 2018, at Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Women's Behaaloscha Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated in the loving memory of Yeshayahu Yosef, Jesse Cohen, ben Yacov Leib, in honor of the Yartzeit 12 Sivan
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yisroel t -2 years ago
hoe would you tell this story to a thoughtful 5 yr old, who dosent get how miryam haniviyah spoke negatevly?
thank you in advance!
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Anonymous -1 year ago
I guess that she had questions about the shiduch, things she felt were not good for moshe
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Hillel -6 years ago
Gut voch, I just finished listening to your shiur on why Miriam related to Ahron her wanting if Moshe to divorce Tziporah for the 4th time. It was tremendous! Really beautiful!
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Yekesiel rosen -1 year ago
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Anonymous -1 year ago
thanks so so much
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Ephraim -6 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson,
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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Nossy -6 years ago
Something I was wondering about is how do many midrashim and other sources have different opinions about different stories in the Torah, for example what you were discussing about Moshe and Tzipora, so the differences between Rashi and the Moshav Zekainim, and for example with Asnas, most hold she was Dinas daughter, some hold she was an Egyptian who converted, so Im just wondering how all the differences work unless there was 2 of the same people, Or like Iyov with 9 opinions of who and when he lived.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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Liba -6 years ago
on “yichus” and giving proper Kovod to converts etc was extremely meaningful and tremendously inspirational.
I was wondering if there’s any source to something I read many years ago on this topic, that Miriam actually discovered her brothers separation because she saw Tzipora in her tent without cosmetics (make-up)... this message was explained to give women chizuk in the importance and beauty in protecting their homes by beautifying themselves for their husbands at home and that EVEN Moshe Rabbeinu appreciated this...
Is there any validity to this?
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Kalman Goldshtein -6 years ago
I do not understand
I do not understand the whole concept of the second wife, because Moshe must have been constantly in a state of ritual purity. Why would he need a second wife?
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
An interesting point
Just to add to understand even better why Miriam wanted Moshe to marry a מיוחסת:
According to the Targum Yonoson, Eldad and Meidad were sons of Yocheved and Eltzofon. After Amram divorced Yocheved, she married Eltzofon and had 2 children, Eldad and Meidad. When Amram was willing to take her back, Eltzofon divorced her and Amram took her back. So Moshe was the son of a divorcee who remarried, being a major פגם in his lineage. In fact, according to Rabbi Akiva, Moshe was a Mamzer. (Or at least he would have been one after Mattan Torah.)
Therefore, it was important to Miriam that Moshe marry a מיוחסת to show that he was a 'kosher' Jew.
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moshe -6 years ago
Basket Not Casket
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Zeev -6 years ago
6 zchiros
Could you elaborate the point of why it’s in the 6 zchirois?
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Yossi -6 years ago
Thank you very much for your wonderful lessons!
My wife and I meet personally every week to hear your shiur on this week's parsha.
Since we hear the lessons, the parsha is revived!
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Katz -6 years ago
"Daas Zkeinim"
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Binyomin -6 years ago
Letter from Rambam
where is the letter of the Rambam
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Right below the video there is a source sheet attached.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Like Robert Zimmerman (Bob Dylan) said:
You got to serve somebody,
Now it may be the devil
Or it may be the Lord
But you got to serve somebody!
But on a more serious note, the phenomenon is not new and not unknown and has nothing to do with Yiddishkeit.
Thank you as always Rabbi YY for an amazing shiur!
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Sara -6 years ago
Moshe and Zippora
I have so many questions. I think I understand all the different commentaries you presented in the shiur related to who the Cushite woman was or wasn't, Moshe's loyatly and devotion to Zippora and to G-d, and all the rest, but i have some more questions that are not totally related to these interpretations, but that are questions I got as I was listening and processing what you were saying. Let's start with the commentary of Tosafot who say that Moshe didn't want to separate from Zippora for all the reasons you gave. I understand that Zippora was a Midianite, but did she ever convert to Judaism? She lived the Jewish life with Moshe and had his two sons, one of whom she circumcized if I remember correctly. If she did not convert officially, she did observe a Jewish way of thinking - no? Another related question, if Zippora wasn't considered Jewish or wasn't a convert, is part of this lesson saying that under certain circumstances it's ok to marry out of Judaism. I don't mean to say that you support intermarriage or anything like that, but if G-d consdiered Moshe so loyal, the most loyal of all people, and one of the reasons was his loyalty to Zippora, and if in fact G-d supported Moshe in this regard, I'm not sure exactly what to make of this. Your other examples in the shiur of the Rabbi who ended up acceptingi his daughter choice, the ger, as a husband was a story of someone converting to Judaism which is a little different than this situation. The other question has to do with the interpretation that says Moshe did in fact marry a Cushite woman, someone other than Zippora. I'm assuming this second wife was not Jewish either, or was she? So I guess the bigger question and if there is a midrash or writing about it, please provide if possible, seems that the greatest prophet of all, G-d's most faithful servant married non Jews?
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Joseph -6 years ago
I just watched your shir on why Miriam wanted moshe to get divorced thank u very much it was very good!
I didn't understand one thing, what's the difference between the peshat of the Rashbam and the peshat of reb Yosef ibin Kaspi?
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Rashi and many others understand the story to mean that they were upset about Moshe's separation from his wife. Even according to this, Moshe was separated, but nobody knew about. Not even his sister Miriam. Meaning it was all kept hidden, and they were still living together in the same tent.
But the Moshav Zekanim understands the story literally: they were upset about the marriage itself. This is also the view of Reb Yosef Ibn Caspi, but he believes that this was a second Ethiopian woman who he married in addition to Tzipora, and Miriam and Aaron were upset about the second marriage.
The Rashbam holds that they were addressing the woman Moshe married a long time ago, in Kush, when he escaped there, before he married to Tziporah in Midyan.
See Nechama Leibowitz for the various perspectives:
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Yes, sorry, it was fixed.
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Sara -6 years ago
I still can't hear it on the website, but it's okay in Youtube
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