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Circumcision on Many Levels

Torah Or Parshas Lech Lecha Maamar: B’etzem Hayom Hazeh

1 hr 2 min

Class Summary:

The Ma'amar recited by a Bris The introduction to this class explores the idea that Yiddishbkiet is layered and how sometimes one Mitzvah simultaneously has more than one idea idea on more than one level. The Mitzvah of Bris Milah has several levels, in order for Avrohom to have all these levels he needed to wait to be told to do it by Hashem.

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  • SK

    Suri Katz -10 years ago

    I am in awe. I am inspired. I cant wait to share this with my learning group.
    May Hashem bless you Rabbi Jacobson with the strength and long healthy years, to always be able to inspire Yidden so deeply.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • October 28, 2014
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  • 4 Cheshvan 5775
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Dedicated by The Chanin Fund and Factor Funding

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