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Torah Or Lech Maamar Hinei Avrom #2: Why We Needed The Egyptian Exile?

How the Experience in Egypt Turned Us Into a Nation

1 hr 7 min

Class Summary:

Torah Or Lech Lecha -- Mammar Hinei Avrom, class 2. Why We Needed The Exile In Egypt

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  • DB

    David Benveniste -9 years ago

    The neighbor,not me,can't take the hocking on the tisch. Thank you for being a chossid,Chabadnik,and a tzaddik! -Dovid Halevi Benveniste

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  • D

    Dov -10 years ago

    Fantastic shiur!
    Q - You mentioned that Avraham Avinu did only one physical mitzvah and that was with his body that was also very holy. But, outside of his own body he was not able to bring the ruchniyos into the gashmi. My question is that Avraham Avinu did the milah on Yishmael and his slaves. this would imply that kedusha was brought into other physical beings?

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Yossi Paltiel

  • October 13, 2013
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  • 9 Cheshvan 5774
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Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND In honor of the birthday of Reb Zalman Chanin May G-d give him strength to continue his holy work in disseminating the Rebbe's Torah in good health, wealth, peace, and happiness, with much Nachas from his family

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