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The Most INSANE Purim Story: When Rabah “Slaughtered” the Ego of Reb Zeira

How Do I Find Bliss in My Challenging Life? On Purim, Two Sages Provided the Answer

1 hr 46 min

Art by Zalman Kleinman. Click here for more info: https://www.chaiartgallery.com/zalman-kleinman

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Pekudei, 25 Adar II, 5784, March 12, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

In one of the most bizarre Talmudic stories (Megilah 7b), two of the greatest Talmudic sages feast on Purim together. They are inebriated and one of them slaughters his friend. The next day he brings him back to life. The following year he invites his colleague for another Purim meal.

This fascinating class, based on an address of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, re-invents the meaning of the story, and applies it to our daily opportunity to link heaven and earth. 

Purim represents the gift to experience an ego-death, the portal to true inner connection and bliss.



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  • SD

    Shmuel Diamond -3 months ago


    Elokus Gone Off

    so that we can...

    Elevate G-d's Opposite.

    A Freilichen Purim

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  • LYT

    Levi Yitschok Tangy -3 months ago

    Nadav & Avihu

    If I remember correctly, you mentioned the 250 ppl of korach chose their fate knowingly, in order to experience that amazing closeness to Hashem 

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    • YJ

      YY Jacobson -3 months ago

      Indeed. And the same with many high priests during the second temple who went in to the holy of holies on Yom Kippur and never came out. 

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  • Anonymous -3 months ago

    What's the answer to why hashems name is not in shir hashirim and megillahs Esther - what's the connection ?

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    • YJ

      YY Jacobson -3 months ago

      That even the physical and sensual which may seem disconnected -- is part of oneness. 
      more about that in this week's women's class about queen Esther. 

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  • H

    Had -3 months ago

    What's the punchline of the bris story?

    Did the baby get his father's name? 

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    • YYJ

      Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -3 months ago

      I assume so, but I am not sure.

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  • H

    Had -3 months ago

    Why did Esther, a nice Jewish girl,

    Enter the contest to marry a no Jewish king, one who killed the previous queen? 

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    • Anonymous -3 months ago

      she was forced to if not she would have been killed for not listening to the king

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      • Anonymous -3 months ago

        The contest was for besulos. Why would she be forced into a contest of besulos if she was married to Mordechai and was obviously not a besula?

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        • Anonymous -3 months ago

           i dont think that everyone holds that she was married to mordecai,doesn't say in megillah for sure not.

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Women's Purim Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 12, 2024
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  • 2 Adar II 5784
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Dedicated by Dina Dornbusch li'Ilui nishmas her very dear friend Sarah bas Yaakov, a"h

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