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Why Did Haman & Hitler Despise the Jewish Children?

What Mordechai Learnt from Three Children Discussing Faith

1 hr 32 min

Class Summary:

This women's class was presented on Parshas Terumah, 30 Shevat, 5780, February 25, 2020, at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY.

The class is based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 21 Purim.

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  • S

    Sara -5 years ago

    "Gd Counts According to the Writings of the Nations"

    Here are some of the things you said about this verse, which by the way Where is the verse in Torah? I would like to see it.

    The Klausenberger Rebbe talks about what this verse means when asked Who by his definition is a Jew? You also said similar things in the shiur. That the list of Jews includes all of us. Even those Jews who say I am not Jewish, I am not Jewish. I don't do anythig Jewish. There is nothing about me that is Jewish. My entire life was a rejection of the Jewish faith, the Jewish culture, the Jewish religion. It did not help. Everyone was euqlly sent to the gas chambers. Every single Jewish soul and Jewish body is a piece of Divinity. Those who said I am not religious. I'm intermarried for generations. But that is what Haman and Hitle saw in every Jew. And so they were to be killed. 

    So this is my question. If your list of Jews includes all 14 million of us, it includes relgious, non religious, observant, non observant, atheist, Buddhist, ALL Jews even those if I am not mistaken, all those who Hitler considered Jews and Mengele would put in the gas chambers, even those who did not have Jewish mothers, but their ancestors, maybe just a father or grandfather who was Jewish whose descendants intermarreid and did not observe. It made NO differenc to Hitler and Haman. So how does this list of Jews, those who are Jewish according to "the writings of the Nations" align with the halachic definiton of a Jew, one who is born to a Jewish mother (or a convert from an "approved" orthodox converstion - not as relevant to this discussion, but still true)?

    I think I know that the halachic definition is somehow written in Torah. Not exactly sure which verse and if the verse was so clear about it being a Jewish mother or convert (Maybeor  this was commentary, or in the Code of Jewish law, (please clarify for me) BUT if GD counts according to the writings of the Nations, doesn't that also include all those people that Hitler and Haman considered to be Jewish? ALL those people that had even a bit of Jewishness in them, in their soul? How can we halachakly dismiss those who may not necessarily come from a Jewish mother as not being Jewish unless it is very clear that that is GDs decree? If GD counts according to the Writings of the Nations, did we somehow get it wrong halachkly? 

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    • C

      Chaim -5 years ago

      Tehillim 87:6

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      • S

        Sara -5 years ago

        87:6 The L-rd will count, when HE records the peoples (for judgemnt, the Jews among them saying) "This one was born there"; (at) etermity. 

        Commentary. The L-rd wil count, when HE records the people...(at) etermity. At the future time of redemption (the time of eternity). the L-rd will enumerate and bring to Himself even those Jews who were lost to assimilation, saying, this one was born (and has ancestral roots) in Zion (Metzuda Dovid, Rashi).

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    • S

      Sara -5 years ago

      The folowing are comments from Rabbi YY for clarification purposes. 

      "Obviously, the definition of the Jew is one only the Creator can give, and it is the one in the Torah. Born to a Jewish mother or conversion according to Halacha, Jewish Torah law.

      Even the most secular Jew is still Jewish and at his or her core as Jewish as Moses.

      Of course, the Germans included in their list even those who were not Halachikly Jewish -- and yes it means that they were allergic even to this sliver of Jewishness in these peoples souls, which can never be eliminated even if halachikly they were not all Jewish.

      So I would not call each one of them Jewish, but the point is that even when we look at a Jew and he or she seems alienated we must never write them off heaven forbid. "

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      • O

        OhrShefa -2 years ago

        it was always the seed of Yisrael, through the Fathers, clearly laid out over and over again in Torah, where does it say in Torah your only Yehudi if your mother is.. this is a flawed interpretation from man distorting Adonai's Kadosh Torah!

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    • O

      OhrShefa -2 years ago

      this is one place where the sages clrarly got it wrong, clear misinterpreting of Torah and not even historical, it eas always through the Fathers 

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  • B

    Beila -5 years ago

    How can I thank you?

    Today I listened to this week’s shiur and I am so blown away, I can’t think of the right words to express my gratitude.  What a gift!! What chizuk!! What inspiration!! The kedusha of the Yid was brought out in such a majestic way, I’m literally speechless.

    Besides for the education Rabbi Jacobson instills, the information, the facts, the knowledge, but more than that, there’s the love of Hashem, the love of Klal Yisroel, the love of Torah that seeps into ones bones and moves me tears over and over again.

    How fortunate we are to be part of this nation and additionally, to have Rabbi Jacobson here enriching us in such indescribable ways.

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  • I

    Isaac -5 years ago

    שפת אמת פורים: תרנ"ג

    ומרדכי לא יכרע לשון עתיד לרמוז כי לעולם בכל דור נמצא בכלל ישראל איש צדיק שהוא לא יכרע. וזה שכתוב ויבז בעיניו לשלוח יד במרדכי לבדו כי הגידו לו כו' עם מרדכי. פירוש כי הבין כי מרדכי יצא מן הכלל ללמד על הכלל כולו. ואפילו אם ימית את מרדכי. יהי' אחר במקומו בכח כלל יהודי. ולכן רצה לאבד כל עם מרדכי:

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  • K

    Kalman -5 years ago

    Am I a Yehudi or am I Israely?

    Based on the foregoing, what Mordecai displayed as a Yehudi was that he did not bow to Haman. But he was the only one who did not bow to Haman, and the text says that Haman wanted to kill all the Yehudim. Who are they if he was the only one? Moreover, if all the people bowed to Haman, then they were not to be killed. And yet, Aman wanted to organize a worldwide pogrom in all the provinces in one day. Please tell me who during the pogrom will investigate my involvement in Judaism - am I a Yehudi or am I Israely? Those who know what a pogrom is will understand me well. It is impossible to control it - this is an uncontrolled right to kill directed against the Jewish people. I do not believe that an assimilated Jew would be saved during the pogrom, because he does not manifest himself as Yehudi. Haman wanted to destroy everyone: young men and old people, children and wоmen, and he would not waste time breeding - who is Yehudi. 

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago


    הרב ר׳ עזריאל טויבער ע״ה משלהבת 

    כתוב בספרו ״אתה בחרתנו״ על מה שכתוב בהגדה של פסח ״שלבן בקש לעקור את הכל״ ומסביר שם שלבן הרשע הבין החשיבות של עצם יהודי מהו החשיבות של יהודי ולא משנה מה מצבו רק שהוא יהודי וזה היה מה שלבן היה מקנה

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  • M

    Moshe -5 years ago

    Let's not forget that Pharoah also

    First and foremost went after the  jewish babies. 

    The concept of  asking a child what he or she is  learning as a minor sign, exists up until today. A variation of  that is to pose a  question and then look at random into a sefer, like the  Rebbe's letters, for an answer or  sign.  Many many people receive relevant on point answers in this way. 

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Women's Purim Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 25, 2020
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  • 30 Sh'vat 5780
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In loving memory of Reb Tzvi Hersh ben Yechezkel, in honor of the yartzeit, 30 Shevat. Dedicated by his daughter Sharie Sofair

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