Torah Ohr Lehavin Inyan Ha'Brachos #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Stuart Kramer in memory of Rabbi Zvi Kogan, hy”d, who was murdered this past week in Dubai.
This class, the second of a series on the Maamar "Lehavin Inyan Ha'Brachos" (Torah Or Bereishis), was presented on Thursday, 27 Cheshvan, 5784, November 28, 2024, Parshas Toldos, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Torah Ohr Lehavin Inyan Ha'Brachos #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Stuart Kramer in memory of Rabbi Zvi Kogan, hy”d, who was murdered this past week in Dubai.
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Anonymous -1 month ago
wasn't there the concept of
100 Brochois each day from the time of Dovid Hamelech?
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Sara -1 month ago
Silence or speech
This topic has come up many times in your (and others) shiurim and in people's thoughts as well, this topic is looked at. They say "silence is golden", and yet if it is misunderstood how golden can it be? And yet too many words can also ruin the message. Another paradox. I'm not surprised anymore about the paradoxes in so many of our profound moments in life.
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Anonymous -1 month ago
There are books with abbreviations, rosh hataivos listed. Also the translation of Tanya, by Kehot, a large one volume alos has a short list of rosh hataivos
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moshe isenberg -1 month ago
The promordial river in Eden split into 4 main rivers
Notice also that the original zygote of a nascent human being becomes 4 chambers of the heart (all necessary for proper life); and four limbs.
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Moshe Isenberg -1 month ago
During the Bayis Rishon we did have benching and brochas on the Torah
And the other brochas we have now were instituted during the Bayis Sheni. What is the difference, qualitatively, between benching on bread or a full meal and a brocha on any individual food or drink? There isn't any. If we were higher spiritually during the Bayis Rishon, and, nevertheless, we had the mitzvah of benching from the Torah, what logical reason is there for there not to have been brochas on all food. If not from the Torah, the chachomim had the power to extrapolate and institute brochas on all food long even before both the Bayis Rishon. Why did it take a yeridas, spiritually, during Bsyis Sheni yo so Institute?
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