Torah Ohr Lehavin Inyan Ha'Brachos #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Eli Friedler in honor of his wonderful wife Mina Friedler, a true aishes chayil.
This text-based class, the first on a discourse by the Alter Rebbe, Lehavin Einyan Ha’Brachos, Torah Or Bereishis, was presented on Monday, 24 Cheshvan, 5784, November 25, 2024, Parshas Toldos, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
The class explores why the sages instituted blessings during the Second Temple era. For the first millennia of Jewish history, we did not recite all the berachos/blessings. But when Hashem’s reality became a concept rather than an intuitive reality, the sages introduced blessings.
Torah Ohr Lehavin Inyan Ha'Brachos #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Eli Friedler in honor of his wonderful wife Mina Friedler, a true aishes chayil.
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Danny Bergson -2 months ago
Bracha in vain
At end of today shiur I understood better the concept of bracha levatala because there is no mitzva so no koach ein sof to draw down and access
but that leaves question on birchas ne'enin such as food where there is no "asher" kidishanu benitzvosov how then doe we access ein sof with lashon of chazal?
surely "אין חביש מתיר מבית האסורים״ we need the mitzva to be able to make bracha
unless this is the deeper meaning behind "כל תיקון דרבנן כעין דאורייתא״ every law enactment instituted by the rabbis is rooted in the Torah not just meaning that it parallels it so that it gives the rabbinic law legitimacy but on an inner level
The way chazal create and structure a rabbinic law enables the Jew to also access ein sof because it's hooked into Torah which is one with Hashem ?
Rabbi YY is this off the mark ?
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Aharon -2 months ago
Creation 3760 0
Adam harishon 3760 d. 930
Cain & Hevel jealousy
Noach 2704 – 1754 b 1056 d 2006 lived 950 yrs
Mabul gaivah 2104 1656 Noach 600 yrs old
Avraham chesed 1812 – 1737 1948 – 2123 lived 175 yrs
Tower of Babel kavod 1764 1996 Peleg d.
Sodom & Amora destroyed 2048
Avraham chesed begins teaching Torah 2008
Yitzhak gevurah 1712 2048 Avraham 100 yrs old
– 2228 lived 180 yrs
Yaakov tifferes 1652 b. 2108 Yitzhak 60 yrs old
d. 2255 lived 137 yrs.
Go down to Egypt 1522 2238 Yaakov 130 yrs old
210 years in Egypt –
Exodus & Har Sinai 1312 2448
Midbar Desert 40 yrs. 1352 – 1312 2448 – 2488
Enter Eretz Israel 1312 2488
Pre Temple Era 480 years 1312 – 832 2488 - 2928
Joshua, Shoftim, Shmuel haNavi, Shaul Hamelech, David ha melech
1st Temple Era 410 years 832 – 422 Shlomo Hamelech 2928 - 3338
Babylonian Exile 70 yrs 422 – 352 3340 - 3410
Purim Story 367 – 353 3393 - 3407
2nd Temple 420 years 352 – 68 3410 – 3830
2nd Temple destroyed 68 3830
Today 2024 5785
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Anonymous -2 months ago
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David Mittelman -2 months ago
Source of this morning Shiur
May I know the Mamer source used for this morning Shiur?!
Thank You
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David Mittelman -2 months ago
Thank You
Got the sources
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moshe isenberg -2 months ago
Why were brochas necessary after the destruction of the first Temple?
In a war, the big guns on one side fight the big guns on the other side, and so too with the small guns. The planes go against planes, tanks versus tanks, foot soldiers versus foot soldiers, etc.
During the Bayis Rishon, the yidden had emunah and nevuah that went up against avodah zora, By the time of the Bayis Sheni both the emunah and nevuah were gone or greated diminished, but, "zeh l'oomah zeh", so too avodah zora was eliminated by the raboonim. (other aveirahs like adultery and murder persisted however). So both sides were in the war that is life were diminished.
The Bayis Rishon itself brought down a great flow of kedusha, Bayis Sheni less so. The institution of brochas was to establish a MINI downward flow of kedusha preceding the act (e,g. a mitzvah, food, etc) the brocha sayer is about to perform.
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Moshe Isenberg -2 months ago
"We can't relate to the avodah zorahs of yore"
But, today people worship Hollywood stars, musicians, politicians, media influencers, etc. Just as strange to people outside the culture
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