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A New Earth - Breath Work According to the Alter Rebbe

To Live Is to Let Go — Again and Again

1 hr 58 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday, 20 Cheshvan, 5784, November 21, 2024, Parshas Chayei Sara, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

The secret of time: Since life is the flow from the infinite into containers, there is always the coming down and then the returning to absorption in source.

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  • MR

    Meir Rosenberger -2 months ago

    So we exist and don't exist at the same time. But the pain and suffering feels so real.

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  • AE

    Alter Egoz -2 months ago

    Even a blade of grass has an angel that makes it grow

    So too, every drop of water. There is rotate v'shuv for us all AND for every blade of grass, drop of water, every created being. Each creation has its "tafkid", it's "raison d'etre", purpose. We all, all people, animals, even every blade of grass and drop of water not only has its purpose but also comes from up there, descends and returns up there. The ruchnious powers us all. We know that ourselves there's olam hazeh and olam habaah. This is also true that every drop of water starts up there, comes down as rain fulfilling it'd purpose to irrigate the land and quench thirst. Then it flows down rivers to the ocean and rises "up there" by evaporation only to return again ad infinitum. The difference between people and those creations that have no free will is that the latter are recycled without reward or punishment because there never was free will, never fulfillment of their purpose (mitzvos( and no punishment. But the eternal recycling of the G-dly spark of vitality continues. An exception is when any human is reincarnated as a creature that has no free will. Looking at it this every drop of water also performs "rotzeh v'shuv", i.e. goes up and down. 

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Torah Or Ki Ka'asher #8

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • November 21, 2024
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  • 20 Cheshvan 5785
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Dedicated by Shlomo Kaller in memory of his grandmother לאה בת אלעזר on her yartzeit ד' חשון תשס״ה


Dedicated by the Jarashow Family in loving memory of Carolynn Jarashow, Chaya bas Avraham Yitzchak, on her yartzeit, 21 Cheshvan.

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