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I'd Take a Heart that's Hurting Over One that's Lifeless Any Day

Feeling Blah? Ask It Why It's So Fearful of Your Emotions

1 hr 59 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday, 29 Tishrei, 5784, October 31, 2024, Parshas Noach, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -2 months ago

    What I heard in this class

    Nothing (not even the most kosher form of addiction- like desperation to be filled by my own spouse) can compensate for the truth of being filled by my sense of Self/soul/connection with Hashem.
    In psychological terms, secure attachment needs to be formed first and foremost with my own Self. And then healthy attachment can happen with others. 
    While we may still have moments (and even seasons) of safety/love, the inner child is at risk of being triggered at any moment.  
    If I don't have a healthy sense of self it is hard to see through the coping mechanism. There is a blurred view of what will lead to deep pleasure and what will serve as a short term filler.
    Must have secure relationship with Soul/Hashem inorder for Bchold Drochecha De'ehu...otherwise each engagement is at risk of being ego driven.
    i.e We will only ever achieve a state of Shuv if Ratzoi is an authentic drive/pull towards truth.
    Inauthentic Ratzo (ego masking as spiritual righteousness) will never lead to a state of blissful presence with Hashem. ( i know, duh. but i am going between moshol and nimshol here)
    A drive for connection that is based in ego/brokeness/craving will never give me secure/blissful/ahava kamayim (fear of separation will always linger, even in state of deep connection)
    A drive for connection that is based in healthy desire (authentic ratzo) will lead to shuv.

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  • Anonymous -2 months ago

    It is all well and good that Hashem wants our neshoma at some point to leave the body, but why so much suffering to get the job done. When it's time just take the person out.

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  • S

    Sara -2 months ago

    Taking the "right" path ?!

    Sometimes in a person's life they are pretty sure that the path they are taking is the right path for them at the time, whether they are pursuing it as an "addiction" (bad for you) or whether they are pursuing it for all the "right" reasons (good for you). During taking that path they might  experience doubts either way, but they continue forward down that path. You said (in my words and as I understood what you said), that either feeling/decision to take one path or the other is sincere on the part of the person. So the question is which ends up being the better path? It's a paradox for sure. What's even more interesting is that, as I understand it, clarity is eventurally reached if and when those two contradictoty elements of the paradox somehow merge into one complementary existence. 

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    • S

      Sara -2 months ago

      Taking the "right" path

      And maybe either path will take us to the same place. 

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Torah Or Ki Ka'asher #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • October 31, 2024
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  • 29 Tishrei 5785
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Dedicated by Fariboz Sani in loving memory and soul elevation of his father Rachmim ben Ezra Sani Halevi. May he rest in peace in Gan Eden.

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