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Can Psychedelics Show You What Happened?

Will I Ever Be Grateful for My Wounds? What Transformational Healing Looks Like

1 hr 38 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday, 8 Tishrei, 5784, October 10, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • J

    Joshua -2 days ago

    And chimpanzees are staggeringly homicidal even in their own family the word humane scientifically has nothing to do with ethical behavior and caring. People misuse the word Humane from a scientific point of view everyday

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  • Anonymous -4 days ago

    What happened was that we were separated !

    Psychedelics can temporarily dissolve the layers of ego, offering a direct, unfiltered experience of reality and consciousness that transcends ordinary perception. In this state, one becomes aware of the singular truth of אחדות ד' that צדיקים achive through עבודה. This profound experience serves as a touchstone, allowing you to navigate life with greater authenticity, even during difficult times. While intellectual understanding of such concepts is valuable, the actual experience is beyond words, reaching a level where dualities like light and darkness fade, revealing a boundless, unified existence. This shift can make life's challenges manageable and even meaningful, as each trial can reveal greater light and purpose.  יתרון האור מן החושך

    As we learnt, the ultimate level of connection one can reach while still within their senses is אודך ד' כי אנפת בי

    Thank you Rabbi for helping us on this journey!




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  • Anonymous -5 days ago

    So Auschwitz was great. It made everyone lose their yesh and nothing was left but their ayin.

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    • Anonymous -4 days ago

      :-) Shkoyach!


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  • AE

    Alter Egoz -5 days ago

    Teshuva out of love turns aveirahs into mitzvos

    And the result is even higher than a tzaddik who never sinned. Great. *of course we don't sin on purpose). All of this has its source in the "original sin", i.e. the chait aitz hadaas. But...we don't see that Adam or Chava ever did teshuva, rather they passed the blame onto another. They remained defiant and didn't do any teshuva. 

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Likkutei Torah Bayom Hashmini #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • October 10, 2024
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  • 8 Tishrei 5785
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Dedicated by Simcha and Hanna Miller from Ramat Beit Shemesh with tremendous appreciation for TheYeshiva.net and its incredible life-changing classes.


For a blessing in memory of Mikhail ben Yuzef Digilov, a"h

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