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To Find Yourself In G-d Or To Lose Yourself in G-d?

Likkutei Torah Shmini Atzeres Maamar Tov Lachasos Bashem

1 hr 6 min

Class Summary:

Likkutei Torah Shmini Atzeres Maamar Tov Lachasos Bashem

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  • J

    jew -12 years ago

    thank you .

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  • P

    Pesach -12 years ago

    Thank you
    Thank you for the great shuir!

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  • SM

    Shmul Munkiss -12 years ago

    Thank u!
    it was a Amazing Class B"h and once agein the Alter Rebbe is Helping me fight my goy :-)

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    • A

      Anonymous -12 years ago

      Re: Thank u!
       Answer: Now you must suspend yourself above the Alter Rebbe’s door for all to see what a real Chossid (who’s dealing with his “Goy”) looks like.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • October 10, 2011
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  • 12 Tishrei 5772
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