17 Tamuz/3 Weeks Women’s Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated in the loving memory of Rabbi Nachum Muschel, in honor of his 9th yartzeit on 18 Tamuz, by Dr. Michael and Liz Muschel. He fled Chassidic Tarnov, Poland in 1939, as a young teenager, was exiled to Siberia, and dedicated 60 years to educating and inspiring Jewish children and families in Monsey, NY.
This class was presented on Tuesday, 17 Tamuz, 5784, Parshas Pinchas, July 23, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
The Mishnah (Taanis 4:6) relates: Five Things Happened to our ancestors on the 17th of Tammuz: 1) The tablets were broken. 2) The daily continuous offerings in the Temple ceased. 3) The city walls were breached. 4) Apustumus burned the Torah. 5) A graven image idol was placed in the Sanctuary by King Menashe.
What do these five calamities represent in the inner psyche of a human being?
17 Tamuz/3 Weeks Women’s Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated in the loving memory of Rabbi Nachum Muschel, in honor of his 9th yartzeit on 18 Tamuz, by Dr. Michael and Liz Muschel. He fled Chassidic Tarnov, Poland in 1939, as a young teenager, was exiled to Siberia, and dedicated 60 years to educating and inspiring Jewish children and families in Monsey, NY.
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Ben Zion -5 months ago
Any chance of getting a source for the Gemara and Rabeinu B'Chaya mentioned at 36:15 about the soul knowing the life's journey and agreeing?
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Anonymous -7 months ago
Most inspirational talk!
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