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How Do We Get Our Marriages Back on Track 

Thursday, July 30, 6 PM EST

21 min

Class Summary:

BJX Tisha Bav Event 2 6pm EST

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  • M

    Moshe -4 years ago

    The 100 year old reflecting on his life

    I once imagined asking the question "what would you do differently in your life if you could go back?" to elderly people.

    I imagined those who never married would answer "I wish I had gotten married".

    I imagined those who got married but decided to not have children would answer "I wish I would have had children".

    I imagined those who both got married had one child would answer "I wish I would have had many children".

    I imagined those who got married and had many children would have answered  "I wish I had spent more time with my children"

     Perhaps, if those are the theoretical answers from those in those situations, we, who are younger, should be wise and do all that now! 

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    • D

      David -4 years ago

      Those are npt theroretival questions. Those are the the answers i get all the time.

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Brooklyn Jewish Experience Tisha B'Av Lecture 2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 30, 2020
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  • 9 Av 5780
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