Korach Women's Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Federico Saal for a refuah sheleima for Paddy ben Linda
This class was presented on Tuesday, 26 Sivan, 5784, Parshas Korach, July 2, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Korach Women's Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Federico Saal for a refuah sheleima for Paddy ben Linda
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Anonymous -8 months ago
Hi, thank you so much for that fascinating shiur.
I have a simple question that shows my ignorance, but perhaps you can explain it to me...
Many times in the midbar, we see that if Klal Yisroel had not performed a certain aveira, Mashiach would have come. We learn this about the meraglim (where Hashem promises that tisha beov will be a day of mourning forever) and when Klal Yisroel broke the second shabbos when they collected sticks (if they had kept just 2 perfect shabbosos, Mashiach would have come) and we learn this about chet ho'egel as well.
In fact, many times in Torah (such as the chet of Adam and Chava) we see that if not for this chet, Mashiach would have come.
If Mashiach would have come, Klal Yisroel would never have suffered any of the millions of tragedies - from the churban, the Spanish Inquisition, the holocaust, etc. right down untill the suffering of each individual such as pain, death, trauma, isolation, poverty, etc.
Further, we would never have performed any sins - both on an international level (such as the Haskala) and at the individual level (such as stealing, speaking lashon hara, etc.).
Here's the question: does this mean that those that performed a chet that stopped the coming of mashiach (such as chet of adam and chava) are responsible and held accountable for all the suffering and all the aveiros of all the yidden that came after them????? After all, the worst aveiro a person can do is cause others to do aveiros!
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