Likkutei Sichos Parshas Korach
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Sharon Schild
This is a text-based class by Rabbi YY Jacobson, on a Sicha, a talk, presented by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 1985, published in Likkutei Sichos vol. 38 on Parshas Korach.
Presented on Thursday, Parshas Korach, 3 Tammuz, 5780, June 25, 2020, the 26th yartzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Likkutei Sichos Parshas Korach
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Sharon Schild
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Joe -2 years ago
Microscopic /all inclusive detail
For the benefit of anybody only listening without the text, @the 43:00 Minutes mark the rabbi says "כאילו ידוע" when the text actually says "כאינו ידוע"....
Easy mistake to make
It's just literally the exact opposite of what the text is trying to say.. ☺ 🎯..
Amazing amazing class as usual ♥
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ruth -4 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson Shlita,
Yashar kochacha for all the wonderful shiurim ! Todah rabba meod .
Please could I ask :
If one's child threw a fig designated as Teruma of unknown colour into a mixture of 50 black and 50 white figs , so then according to Rabbi Akiva and halocha lemaaseh , it's bottel . Since in the gavra it's unknown , it's thus considered all figs bar one are mutter for the regular person to eat . But what if the child later says ' I remember now , it was definitely a white fig because .... ' or the child was meant to be away for a year and no communication but came back unexpectedly early and was able to reveal the colour etc , are all the figs now assur as there is no bittul or do we go with the 'initial thoughts'?
Todah rabba ,
Bekovod rav
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Moshe -4 years ago
The sicha shows how thoughts can affect reality
But, isnt it one's thoughts, one's kavana, one's intent (omg I'm starting to also use a string of synonyms); the decisive factor in many instances already? Both in secular and Jewish law, lehavdil, there is a huge difference between intentional murder and accidental homicide, between intentionally hitting and harming another and doing so unintentionally and accidentally, etc., etc.?
The huge difference turns only the innermost thoughts of a person, really unknown to anyone else and can only be guessed at by the decisor.
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Golda Getz -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Anonymous -4 years ago
What would be the halacha according to rav akiva if at the time it fell in he did not recognize the fig and later he recognized it and afterwards forgot again. Do we say that since at the time the taaroves was establsihed he did not know so it was batul and when he later recognized the fig it cannot be batul, but when he later forgets since at the time the taaroves was formed in his mind it was batul it reverts to that state or since there was at one point a metzius in the cheftza that it cannot be batul his mind can no longer make the bitul?
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Moshe -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Moshe -4 years ago
Reality versus perspective or knowledge
When the color blind person puts the red sefer onto the brown ones, the reality is known to regular sighted people, but unknown to the color blind.
When a teruma fig is mixed into any type of bunch of fish, same color or not, half and half or not the reality which fig is teruma is known also to Hashem. Only our deficient vision, perspective and knowledge prevents our knowing which fig is teruma.
So the teruma fig should have the same treatment as the red sefer.
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Moshe -4 years ago
Reality versus perspective or knowledge
When the color blind person puts the red sefer onto the brown ones, the reality is known to regular sighted people, but unknown to the color blind.
When a teruma fig is mixed into any type of bunch of fish, same color or not, half and half or not the reality which fig is teruma is known also to Hashem. Only our deficient vision, perspective and knowledge prevents our knowing which fig is teruma.
So the teruma fig should have the same treatment as the red sefer.
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Moshe -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Gabriela -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Deborah Greenberg -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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yosef lipsker -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Moshe -4 years ago
he took himself.......aside from Moshe
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SHMUEL -4 years ago
Very good question. Rashi answers this perplexity.
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Menachem Taub -4 years ago
Rashi offers 2 answers. According to the Rebbe, that means that Rashi was not 100% satisfied with either answer.
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Min -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Miriam and Daniel Michael -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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SK -4 years ago
At what time is this scheduled??
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Admin -4 years ago
8:30pm EST
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