Let's Get Real: Rabbi YY Jacobson, Eli Beer, & Dr. Akiva Perlman
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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We Are All Soldiers on the Front Lines United to Uplift the Morale of Our People. What is our Mission today? How can this happen? Why? Where do we go from here?
Let's Get Real show with Coach Menachem featuring Rabbi YY Jacobson with Eli Beer, the head of United Hatzolah Live from Israel, will provide insights directly from the front lines. Additionally, Dr. Akiva Perlman will join to discuss pertinent issues.
Let's Get Real: Rabbi YY Jacobson, Eli Beer, & Dr. Akiva Perlman
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Rachel Wagschal -1 year ago
Thank you to all of our guest speakers! Thank you for being real and grounded! You were all so humble! I am proud to be called 'your sister'! chazak!
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Zohar Teshuva -1 year ago
The Drugs that they take, are cursed, to be able to erase any human emotion, to accomplish a dirty job well pay!!!!!
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Zohar / Teshuva -1 year ago
You right Rabbi Jacobson, and thank you for Sharing. First, The Nazis were searching how to destroy Am Israel, this when the Arabs/Amalek, came with his Diabolic ideas, how to proceed 😢. Going back to Abraham Avinu, and the kindness of heart of Sarah Imanu, offering her servante Haggar to Abraham, waoe, where this idea came from ¿ since myself born in Muslim country, and heard so many real stories, especially, the stories of Muslim using Sorcery, when they have no brain for good positive alternative, when confrontating Divinity! Thats all what i can think, about Sarah Imanu giving up !! They were good at Sorcery then, Without this Alliance, they will NOT exist ! They dont like life, and they rebelling, against us ? Let them destroy themselves, they are numeroua as the Vermins !
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benjamin leonard -1 year ago
why is Eli Beer hugging and thanking Biden ??????- 4hrs ago !!!!
Biden is in Eretz Yisrael paying terrorists who murederd us!!!!!!
Eli said that Rav Kanievsky said the arabs are considered "rodef" and Biden is stopping the IDF from eliminating all the "rodef" and Eli is hugging and thanking Biden??????!!!!
what madness is this!!!!????
what is going on?????!!!!!
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Anonymous -1 year ago
So much love and sincerity!!! Thank you to all of you !!
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tali -1 year ago
before its too late. pls if you have any contacts tell them to pass this forward to israel decision makers.
to save lives adopt strategy to not to go in to gaza yet. hashem is creating storms and cover. the women need to unite and be heard to save our families around the world. .
Egypt may feel less nervous and agree to evacuate just women and children under combat age. men in gaza age 13 are left and up have one option. . fight for your people against hamas or the jews. then its clear. your responsibility and opportunity is to work WITH israel, disclose location of hamas leadership and free the hostages. then a new dawn can be forged in the middle east together with support from the world to rebuild. we have an opportunity to be the light and show the way . frame our response as liberating gaza from the tyranny of hamas for the region and the eorld. example for other arabs held hostsge by tyranny blet them fight for thenselves. help their families. we need vision. and we women to raise voices now. sorry but men are overly reactive now. if you agree or have further thoughts pls connect. but use your influence. get this to political decision makers. . all jews have less than 6 degrees of separation to leadership. we also need to go on offensive in media own the narrative. .
pls get creative, use our intuition, and voices.🙏
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Dovid S -1 year ago
Trying to address the hurt by doing good deeds and increasing the love within Klal Yisroel is treating the symptom but not treating the core issue. The confusion will still remain since the core issue will not be addressed which is a lack of דעת that: אֲנִי מַאֲמִין בֶּאֱמוּנָה שְׁלֵמָה שֶׁהַבּוֹרֵא יִתְבָּרַךְ שְׁמוֹ הוּא בּוֹרֵא וּמַנְהִיג לְכָל הַבְּרוּאִים. וְהוּא לְבַדּוֹ עָשָֹה וְעוֹשֶֹה וְיַעֲשֶֹה לְכָל הַמַּעֲשִֹים Hamas and their ilk is only a stick in the hand of Hashem to wake us up to be the nation we were meant to be. Hashem is the בַּעַל מִלְחָמוֹת. Hamas is nothing. So our response to do good deeds, daven better, say Tehillim, learn Torah and a renewed commitment to follow Hashem's rule book to the best of our ability is our job that Hashem just reminded us about. But the realization and clarity why this is happening which is that Hashem our loving father is doing this for our benefit will cure the hurt and our confusion. Why specific people were killed etc... ר"ל is something that only Hashem knows and is classified as כבשא דרחמנא and we have to really inculcate into our דעת that all events - even the minutest event is תיקון העולם
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Miri -1 year ago
I can just feel humble and proud to my Nation AM YISROELwe can only win with love with achdud
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Raymond Cohen -1 year ago
Hi Rabbi, I listen to you all the time this was beautiful debate. Mann bless the land of Israel and the Jewish people you doing great job. Keep on doing what you're doing and I love your jokes also
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Liat -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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daliah -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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daliah setareh -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Angela Khaitova -1 year ago
During isis attacks the USA made threats to investigate deport and/or incarcerate all terrorist supporters
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Angela Khaitova -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Isabel Davis -1 year ago
Can we have the list of hostages here?
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NM -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Aliza Greenbaum -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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RW -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Gennady -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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daliah setareh -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Stanley Greenberg -1 year ago
Thanks to all gathered here for strongly sharing your wisdom and true compassion ❣️👏Am Yisrael Chai❣️💖🙏🙌🥰💜🇮🇱💞
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Temima Eckhardt -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Who's the guy that keeps interrupting the rabbi?
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Anonymous -1 year ago
The moderator who is hosting this forum
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Tamar Matza -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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jill na Yehudis Firestone -1 year ago
Can we allow Ellie from United Hatzalah to go to sleep now? He isn't feeling well.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
with due respect why is rabbi yy asking that type of question
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daliah setareh -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Daliah Setareh -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Chaim Bochner -1 year ago
Mixed feelings is a problem you need to work on, but not having rachmunos on the palestinians killed goes against what seforim hakddoshim (including Tanya) say, that yidden are Rachmunim, Beishunim, and Gomlei Chasodim as part of nature! You can hate arabs and palestinians for many reasons but when civilians are killed?
Let me tell you what tzaddikim said: "I cannot even see how one hits a dog; so how can you show achzuros when hitting a goy?" (bobover rebbe). rachmuv al kol maasov: Rabbi elya lapain fed a cat himself even if it wasn't lefi kvodoi! Of course as policy with EY, it's Halacha that we're concerned about, only. But to see killed people and not feel sick? Where is your yiddishkeil?
When the Klausenberger Rebbe expalined to a Nazi which asked if he still believes that we are the chosen people, he asnwers: As long as we are the ones getting hit and not the ones that hit, we know! The german looks like had a moment of embarresment or it was a ness that he didn't kill him on the spot! Did you ask daas torah if it's ok to not feel sorry for them? I know that at yam suf, the ones coming to KILL all yidden r"l, when they were killed in yam suf, Hashem told the malachim: masseh yodai tovu bayam vatem omrim shirah? I know it's hard to understandand there are many perushim but ain mikrah yotzei... Of course those that the yam suf awaitied to punish them were all wanting to kill the yidden and that makes the kasha on the midrash harder. But can we deduce that those that were not meshabed the yidden, rachmunim need to stay away from seeing others suffer?
I know about the prison guards in Aushwitz that were tortured and killed by the inmates was a revenge attack and possibly justified, Well, you're talking about the holocaust and not about the German civilian either! They werent't just accomplices but actual murderers. They deserved this and they would've gotten the death penalty in the times of sanhedrin! But to kill civilians and not have rachmunis? If you know about plan-a that some 50 survivors wanted to poisen the water and exact revenge on the German people (which weren't tzaddikim; far from it!), you'd realize that they had 0 backing from gedolei yisroel and it's not even a question to me that if they'd asked they woulodn't get permission.
It's ok to be angry and want to root out terrorist and if you believe the zionist shitah, I will not argue with you but why can't the thought of killing hamas and having compassion for the innocent people be a simulatanious thought?
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Gail Rubin -1 year ago
Resonating with what Dr Perlman said about the silence from neighbors and other Jews. No expressions of support. No empathy. Feel fear and alone. I put Israeli and American flags together on our front porch. Taped both flags also on my car. Why the indifference when Jews killed? After George Floyd died due to police misconduct, there was outpouring of outrage and BLM signs everywhere. For us? Why bother? Imagine if after the George Floyd incident, 10's of thousands of haters of Black people called for their murder in the streets of America?
The indifference is so painful. I ask others to do something more active, call members of Congress, wave a flag etc.
And the response is a blank stare.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
We do care putting israeli flags on your car will not help any of the hostages and take away any pain we care so we try to help by davening to hashem' by immersing oursekves in torah ' by gaurding our eyes focusing our hearts and minds to hashem and puryfing ourselves with holy thoughts and thtws the only to shoe real empathy because when we focus on hashem we win as it says by milchemes amakek when the jewish peopke focused on hashem they wom the amlekim may hashem help us already with moshiach
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Anonymous -1 year ago
We could do without graphic descriptions of war casualties, please.
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yehuda -1 year ago
please don't share details in a place where people are coming for support and healing
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devorah -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Rachel Schonbrun -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Esti -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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NATHAN GENUT -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Tamar Gestetner -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Moshe Fried -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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eh -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Anonymous -1 year ago
United we Stand - United with Hashem - United we will Win - United we will Suceed
Amen Ki Yihi Razon
David Moshe Hanono
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