Ohev Yisroel Parshas Ki Sisa
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Stanley Drebin in loving memory of Bluma Leah bas Dovid, for the yartzeit on Shushan Purim Katan.
Dedicated in loving memory of Reb Yaakov Zev ben Reb Meir Shlita Rotensthreich, for the yartzeit 17 Adar.
This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Ki Sisa, 16 Adar I, 5782, February 17, 2022, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Ohev Yisroel Parshas Ki Sisa
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Stanley Drebin in loving memory of Bluma Leah bas Dovid, for the yartzeit on Shushan Purim Katan.
Dedicated in loving memory of Reb Yaakov Zev ben Reb Meir Shlita Rotensthreich, for the yartzeit 17 Adar.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
This is one one of the most amazing classes I've heard. It puts our relationship with Hashem into perspective. WOW.
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Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -11 months ago
Thanks so so much, this means so so much to me.
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone commented...
Thank you for teaching us special relationship with G d
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone commented.
Can it be that the sin of the Golden Calf never happened...what I mean by this is may be this story is an hypocritical one...it's like may be Torah is saying had HaShem not commanded the ISRAELITES to built a Mishkan they would have build an idol. Basically saying had HaShem communicated with and through only Moshe Rebbennu, only the intimate relationship with Moshe Rebbennu when he ask HaShem I wanna see you...so while Moshe Rebbennu was busy in the personal intimate relationship with HaShem, and Jewish Women are busy internalizing their connections with HaShem and the ISRAELITE Men were sitting idol/free they had nothing to do and how to built the connection with HaShem so they built a Golden Calf. So building the Mishkan becames very important for the focus and relationship between ISRAELITE Men and HaShem it's similar to the encounter of Moshe Rebbennu in a up close and personal way at Har Sinia, with Mishkan HaShem came down and dwelled amongst the whole of ISRAELITES. I need more light in this context.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Let's remember that only a small minority committed
The chait ha'egel. And that minority was the erev rav who were accustomed to physical "g-ds". Even after seeing the plagues, krias yam suf, the Mann, etc. And remember that is was Moshe on his own initiative that took them along. In reality the aveirah both by bringing them along without asking Hashem and by enabling the chait ha'egel to occur, was Moshe's aveirah. So therefore he took the rap by saying "punish me by erasing me from Your Book".
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Sara -3 years ago
Didn't GD know...
that Moshe would do that? “If you don’t forgive them, then take me out of your book”? I'm thinking yes. It was HIS expectation, no?
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Rachel Pollack -3 years ago
Magnificent reframe for Mitzvah/ averah
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
One who lives a borrowed life isn't true to himself
Yes, if one lives the life of another he isn't aligned and can sin. But...what if he tries to live the life of another who is higher than himself? HE isn't aligned with his true self but he's trying "to fake it till he makes it"! Such misalignment surely isn't bad.
But..what ..
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
It's not that strange that the lawyer for the accused admits
This reminds of the typical scenario where the defending lawyer argues vigorously against the charge of, say, drunken driving. Upon conviction, the lawyer does a 180 and states that his client is indeed an alcoholic but he's already signed up with AA!
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