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Don’t Limit the Joy by Turning It Into an Obligation

The Ultimate Relationship Can’t Come as an Instruction

1 hr 22 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Ki Sisa, 13 Adar I, 5782, February 14, 2022, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

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  • DS

    Dena Schusterman -3 years ago

    Purim Katan: “A good hearted person feasts continuously” - closing sentence of the Code of Jewish Law. Today is Purim Katan yet mini Purim is no small thing.
    It is the ancient source of unharnessed joy, of untainted love.
    Without a commandment
    Without obligation
    Without a checklist I open myself up to the Joy that is Purim
    Unrestricted, I allow myself to feel light and happy with
    what isI breath in. I breath out. Tingling with gratitude
    My heart races with the magnitudeSo. Many. Gifts.
    Life. A soul. Purpose. Health. Family. Community. I do this with love.
    I feel the love of my creator
    I feel the love of my source
    I feel love of my community
    I feel love of my family
    I feel love of myself Purim katan
    Without duty
    Without being told
    I do it

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    Maybe ???

    enough analysis of what this all means. Maybe let it integrate in your being and then it will be understood.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    A thank you...

    Sounds like it’s the ultimate opportunity to really think on Purim katan, what will bring HaShem joy in the relationship with me and the other way. Putting all obligations aside or how we’re told to cultivate the relationship. Here we have this opportunity to decide on our terms. This sicha is life changing. Thank you!

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    It's awesome...

    how the Rebbe has such insight to put it all together in such an understandable way rather than the back and forth, the on the one hand and then on the other hand of what the sages are saying. 😇

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone commented...

    These 2 tomids (constants) of realizing Hashem is there always and being b'simcha always remind me of the gemora shiur discussing the most important sentence in Torah. One said it was Shema, another said it was the beginning of the 10 (really 13-14) commandments, another said something else. The answer was that the most important sentence was "one lamb in the morning and one lamb in the evening", i.e. the constant unceasing daily routine service of Hashem

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone commented...

    Guilt helps people reach their essence. A Freudian slip was made when YY said "gelt can...". Gelt hinders people from reaching their essence!

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone commented...

    Perhaps those souls in Shomayim (and angels) are actually jealous of us down here who can volunteer to do what Hashem might want, and who can overcome the yetzer Hora and do what is commanded.  in Shomayim there is no free choice, no yetzer Hora, etc. By being challenged by these down here we can achieve great joy, reward, and closeness to Hashem.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone commented...

    Imagining what Hashem (or a spouse) wants and then doing it should be a higher level. But what if the "imagining" is wrong? What if one imagines what Hashem (or a spouse) wants abd then does it is totally wrong. Nonorthodox yidden can (falsely) say that they imagine that Hashem wants something (which He doesn't want or even which is the opposite of what He wants)  and then they do it? This is a slippery slope to justify aveirahs for some

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    • SM

      Sara Metzger -3 years ago

      And I ask you, Do you think What HaShem doesn't want or which is opposite of what HaShem wants, can really happen?? everything happens only if HaShem allows it to happen 🙂

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      • SM

        Sara Metzger -3 years ago

        We all have free choice. If not-yet-frum yidden want to justify and practice,  say, homosexuality, they can, wrongly,  "imagine" that Hashem wants this type of "love". Hashem gives free choice to even go against Him and His will.

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        • SM

          Sara Metzger -3 years ago

          And to continue from the above, the point being made is that voluntary Simcha (or other conduct) is higher than commended conduct.  In 3 instances we must sacrifice out lives rather than transgress the 3 big aveirahs.  If one does that it's a huge mitzvah with a huge reward. But an even greater mitzvah and higher reward is when one gives up his life when it's NOT a situation of transgressing the 3 big aveirahs. This is true for every IDF soldier who dies because he is a yid defending yidden

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          • SM

            Sara Metzger -3 years ago

            If HaShem allows it we shouldn't judge them.....it's their choice if we feel our choice is much better then we need to work on our choices live a Simchas and inspirational heterosexual marital life and show them with humility what HaShem has for us all. we are only responsible for our choices not other's but HaShem knows the greater pictures and only HaShem can allow a person to grow his/ her spiritual we can be a conduit like Rabbi YY says in that great plan for everyone

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone commented...

    It is said that one who has not seen Simchas Beis Hashoeva in the Beis Hamigdash has not seen true Simcha. How does this square with what is being said here that Purim koton is the epitome of Simcha?

    One would think that the mitzvah of Simcha that is written in the Torah is greater than the Simcha from the rabbis which in turn is greater than a minhag of Simcha.  But that is not so. Hashem is happy when people are b'simcha NOT because it's an obligation but voluntary.

    How does this square with the idea that a mitzvah that is commanded is greater than a voluntary mitzvah? (Where the answer is that the yetzer Hora comes on stronger to prevent commanded mitzvos but not so for voluntary mitzvahs).

    The general idea that Hashem cannot command Simcha is part of the general idea that Hashem cannot command a feeling or emotion

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  • CS

    Chaim Schnitzer -3 years ago

    According to the lubavitcher Rebbe we see that even something that looks minor like Purim koton shows us the importance of such a great thing as happiness

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone commented...

    The Simcha of having the ability to live a life full of running around and Mitvots… Celebrating the connection with G-d

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone commented..

    We begin to prepare and learn about every yom tov 30 days before the yom tov. Purim koton is 30 days before Purim. on Purim we have unbridled joy and Simcha. How to prepare for Purim? By starting, on Purim koton, to cultivate and develop the Simcha for 30 days.  Query how this is done on years when there is no Purim koton. Maybe Tu b'Shvat has to step in!

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone commented...

    There are no mitzvos on purim koton. Really? There is the prohibition of fasting and Hesperia.

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    • SM

      Sara Metzger -3 years ago

      Not Halacha l’’maseh. Yes you’re correct you can do both those I think I heard rabbi say it.

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      • SM

        Sara Metzger -3 years ago

        Laws and Halacha is very much important it's just how we look at it and practice, we can do it plainly or internalize it with emotions and what better emotion then Simcha even Yom Kippur has a hidden Simcha that we mend our relationship with HaShem ask for forgiveness for being out of the place and not so dedicatedly following Halacha

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        • SM

          Sara Metzger -3 years ago

          There is the prohibition of fasting and Hespedim on purim koton.  That's a prohibition.  Both of those prohibitions underscore the essential requirement (not halacha) of Simcha

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          • SM

            Sara Metzger -3 years ago

            It’s not easy it only comes once every 2/3 years!

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          • SM

            Sara Metzger -3 years ago

            Yeah that's why we need to look beyond our immediate chaos and running around that after 2/3 years there will be joy looking back what struggle it was to run around things

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone commented...

    Having the awareness that Hashem is before himself constantly and being joyful constantly are not per se mitzvos (no punishment if not done) but LEAD TO all other mitzvos.  Bookends are not books but hold and support all the books!

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone commented...

    There was Simcha of Mitvots and before Purim the Simcha is in the heart like Rabbi said a soul must have Simcha and celebration everyday on every meal because of the good heart which is married to HaShem.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone asked...

    "Purim is the source of Simcha for the year" Really? There is no source for Simcha in the Torah itself?

    How did they "do" Simcha before purim happened?

    Sukkos is the source of Simcha that’s what this is about- it’s the “heady”Intellectual Simcha.

    Purim will be revealed as a more visceral Simcha

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    RE: Shulchan Aruch...

    So are you saying that if someone else (obviously a sage, not just anyone) had written another Shulchan Aruch, that may have had a different opinion, we would be following that instead of the one we follow now? And you said that Ashkenazi Jews follow that Shulchan Orach. Do the Sephardi Jews follow a different one?

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  • LR

    L R -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    תודה על השיעורים הקשיה שהרבי שואל שפורים קטן לא בכל השנים איך זה נתן הכוח לכל השנה לא ענה

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  • ER

    Esther Roos-Shalem -3 years ago


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  • K

    Kj -3 years ago

    For a victim of any sort, there are 2 deliverances.  The first deliverance is so intense and in such crisis, you cannot celebrate.  Ah, but the second real deliverance is a real celebration in the heart of you and your Gd who saved and delivered you.

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  • K

    Kj -3 years ago

    The second deliverance from Egypt from Gd alone -- the real reason for celebration.  The joy of knowing my Gd,,,stand still and see the salvation of the L-rd.  I will fight for you!  The Egyptians will know that I am Gd!

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Can't open on my internet phone

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Likkutei Sichos Purim Katan #3

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 14, 2022
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  • 13 Adar I 5782
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Dedicated in loving memory of our father, Moshe Mendel ben Shneur Zalmen, on his yahrtzeit 12 Adar I.

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