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Jewish Life Bookended by Two Principles: Awe and Joy

With Blockages in the Body, We Need Help Experiencing Visceral Joy

1 hr 27 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Tetzaveh, 6 Adar I, 5782, February 7, 2022, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

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    ‫יעקב ניימרק‬‎ -2 years ago


     סידור היעב"ץ (שער הפינה ניצוץ ו' כוונת התקיעה אות ז'): "דבר נפלא קרה בטור אורח חיים בסימניו, שנזדמנו דיני שופר בסימן השווה עם הגימטריא שלו [תקפ"ו], ואע"פ שלא נתכוון המחבר לכך, מכל מקום נפל האמת באמת, להראות כי מן השמים הסכימו על ידו, לפי שעשה חיבורו לשם שמים, וכל העוסקים במלאכת שמים לשמה מראין להם סימן טוב מה שלא עלה על דעתם. ועיין בספרו של היעב"ץ על אורח חיים – "מור וקציעה", (הוצאת מכון ירושלים עמ' תקנ"ג) שהוסיפו רמזים לסימני השולחן ערוך אורח חיים מכתי"ק של המחבר, ולמשל: סימן ש"ע ראשי תיבות שותפי עירוב, סימן קכ"ח ראשי תיבות קדושת כהן חובה

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    Chaim Schnitzer -2 years ago

    I think shivisi hashem lenegdi sumid is connected to vetoiv leiv mishteh tumid that's to teach that to serve hashem should be like a meal with happiness not connected to anger and domination

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -2 years ago

    Someone commented...

    There is a common vort that says 60 days/parts of Simcha nullifies one part of the opposite. like 60 times fleshing nullifies one part milchig and vice versa--but only if done unintentionally.

    60 times fleshing or milchig nullifies the opposite of one sixieth. we have 60 full days of Simcha. How large is the opposite of Simcha to be nullified by the 60 days of Simcha? Theoretically the one sixieth should be an entire day, an entire 24 hours to be nullified by the 60 days of Simcha. But...who is the opposite of Simcha for 24 hours? usually much less, so most definitely nullified by 60 full calendar days of Simcha. The 60 days of Simcha doesn't require us to be b'simcha all day abd night. It occurs automatically. But the opposite of Simcha is not automatic but must be created by a person. And no one is in such a state all day and night. So, therefore any attitude of the opposite of Simcha is most definitely nullified by a full measure of 60 days of Simcha.

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    Sara Metzger -2 years ago

    Someone commented...

    Remember that Hashem set up Sukkos and Simcha bais hashoeva as a holiday of Simcha. it was the rabbis, specifically Mordechai who sat up Purim (and purim koton?) IN ADDITION to the pre-existing Simcha that Hashem had already set. And this gladden Hashem that his people could further abd complete and be partners in His creation. like a bris.

    We know that we must prepare and learn the laws for a yom tov

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    Sara Metzger -2 years ago

    Someone commented...

    Profound how every Jewish holiday is differently adding up to Jewish life and the relationship between HaShem and ISRAELITES e,g, Purim much much joy

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    • SM

      Sara Metzger -2 years ago

      The most Joyous festival is Purim and it's so incredible that Purim story is the most difficult in terms of threat to the Jewish people....and at the heart and center of this festival is a Jewish woman Esther.

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Likkutei Sichos Purim Katan #1

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 7, 2022
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  • 6 Adar I 5782
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Dedicated by Reb Sholem Potash in memory of his father Reb Yaakov ben Chanoch Henich and Esther, for his yartzeit, 4 Adar

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