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Rabbis YY & Shais Taub: How to Teach Tanya in Our Times

Understanding the Two Souls and Our Struggle in This World

4 hr 47 min

Class Summary:

An ongoing series in memory of Reb Yoel ben Reb Refael Nachman HaKohen Kahn. Rabbi Shais Taub and Rabbi YY in a "zoom" farbrengen on learning and teaching Tanya in our times. The event is on the 24th of Teves, the yartzeit of The Alter Rebbe, the Baal HaTanya.

For more videos from Rabbi Shais Taub on YouTube go to https://www.youtube.com/soulwords or visit Rabbi Taub's site https://www.SoulWords.org   

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    לבהמה אין שכל אז למה אתם מסבירים לנפש הבהמית עם סברות שכליות

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    • YN

      Yaakov Nussbaum -1 year ago

      לבהמה אין שכל, אבל הנפש הבהמית יש לה שכל. עיין תניא פרק ה.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Im going crazy over the shiar !! But half our later and stade the same person 

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  • TP

    tzippy Piekarski -3 years ago

    where can i ask rabbi yy or rabbi shais raub a question?

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Thankyou , this is profound and helpful for all of us, fantastic news. 

    . 😊💖🙏


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  • M

    Mendy -3 years ago

    Thank you Rabbi YY and Rabbi Shais!

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Klal Yisrael was taken goy mikerev goy how were we taken from mitzrayim from a nation that is compared to donkey? The exodus was the birth of creation of klal yirael,  but we were created from within the chamor that through the chamor that is how kall yisrael emerges. From the guf we become nitzchiy

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Yetzer Hara -the word Yetzer comes from the work yetzira and rah is brokeness I create a picture in my mind that I am broken and this is all before I do any actions. The Chet adam chava came before actions it was what they saw.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    כִּֽי־עִ֭מְּךָ מְק֣וֹר חַיִּ֑ים בְּ֝אוֹרְךָ֗ נִרְאֶה־אֽוֹר

    מלבי"ם על תהילים ל״ו:י:א

    כי עמך, ר"ל כי כל בעלי חיים שהם תחת הטבע ישיגו מן הטבע החיים והאור, החיים להחיות הגוף והאור להוציא המוחשים, אבל החיים הטבעיים הם רק צינור נוזל מן החיים האמתיים אשר מקורו הוא אצל ה', עד שהחיים הטבעיים והרוחנים יאמר עליהם שם חיים רק בשיתוף השם, כי הרוחנים הם החיים האמתיים הנובעים מן המקור, והגשמיים הם חיים מדומים, וכן האור הגשמי המוציא חוש הראות מן הכח אל הפועל הוא רק ניצוץ מן האור הרוחני האלהי שהוא האור האמתי ושורש לכל האורות, עד שערך האור הגשמיי אל האור הזה כערך החוש אצל האור, כמו שהחוש לא יצא מכח אל הפועל רק ע"י האור, כן האור העולמי לא יקנה מציאות ולא יתראה רק ע"י האור העליון, ועז"א באורך נראה אור, שע"י אורך הנעלם האור נראה ויוצא אל הפועל, כמ"ש לכו ונלכה באור ה', ואתם הדבקים בה' אלהיכם חיים כולכם היום, שהחיים האמתיים הם הדבקות בה', והאור האמתי הוא אור ה' והדרו, ואחר שהמצות הם סולמות ושליבות שבם ידלה האדם ממקור החיים ויראה לחזות באור ה', והעברות הם המות והחשך האמתי, הנה כבר תמצא מענה אל נאום פשע למצוא עונו לשנא:

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    The Vilna Gaon says this as well in gemara shabbas by the sugya of mazal we have a certain nature and have to channel it in the right way for avodah

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  • JR

    Jacob Regar -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Question for the Great Rabbis: Assume that a person has fallen so far that even with teshuva, at best their status is "pending". If the person does teshuva, and even sometimes feels the connection with HKBH. But then the person experiences something in life that feels like a real slap (perhaps a suffering because of the teshuva, perhaps?). How does the person not feel like a fool when they come before Hashem in davening, when they consider that maybe the connection is not really there, Ch"v?

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    • D

      D -3 years ago

      As someone who has caused much much pain and destruction in my past, and trying to do what is right, even though I am positive that I will not even merit Olam Habah, (at least not from this gilgul), I still am trying to do whatever Mitzvah that I can.

      Why? As it says in Pirkei Avot (4:17) A single moment of repentance and good deeds in this world is greater than all of the World to Come.

      So even if I don't get the merit for Olam Habah, at least I have the merit to connect to hahsem through Mitzvot.

      In regard to the "slap", well i get slapped many times because of my past, on one side it really breaks me, but then I get up, as it shows me the areas that I still need to work on, and I am grateful for that.

      Who knows, maybe by all my positive actions that I do now, will make it easy for the next time around.

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  • EZ

    Efraim zaltzman -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Nefesh - desire, ratzon ? Not really. Ratzon is also a koach. Nefesh is like reb yaakov moshe said its like 2 people. 1 is animalistic and self centered and the other one is G-dly. This concept is very much emphasized in the second part of perek 28

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  • I

    ISSAC -3 years ago


    I respectfully recommend that all who are listening tonight would very much enjoy and benefit from Rabbi Jacobson's morning chassidus classes. Tonite we have 100!! on zoom, in the morning we have only 20 or so.

    Rebbi YY can you elaborate on the tzadik comment

    אתם מדברים בעליונים

    Rabbi what do you mean by "no thing ness" pls

    But isn’t it rooted in the sitra achra

    What would the Bal Hatanya say to the abuser?? Can he do Teshuva ?? does a person have to be banned forever?? Do you have to disconnect from him ?? Does a daughter have to cut of with a father forever ??

    In yesterdays portion the Alter Rebbe quotes the Gemara that "there are 3 aveiros no one is saved from... " talking about the type of thoughts that the benoni has... But isnt the benoni one who NEVER sins?

    He talks on how chazal and all of our rabbis speak in the scientific language of the time

    I want to hear specifically from the Tanya and the Bal Shem tov.

    I think he talks about them also. Although he’s not a lubavitcher He went to the Morristown yeshiva

    shkoiach for all this. btw Miriam Adahan has this all so clear...unfortunately so is so not reckognized for her amazing wisdom. she does webinars weekly wtc

    הבן שלי בן 10 ואני רואה אותו פעם בחודש שואל אותי אם תניא עונה על כל השאלות שיש למה אני נמצא בגלות כפולה איך אפשר לענות לתינוק שנשבה

    how do you reach such a true self level?

    Yasher koach. An excellent presentation.

    Wasn't the revelation of Chassidus coming oftentimes to negate the erroneous opinion of the prushim and arrogant learned elite, that despite their academic prowess they were lacking in internal avoda? So Tanya is being mechadesh that they're serving themselves, they still lack in controlling taavos etc. So it is in essence a critisism pointing out our inadequacy - you can't spin sholosh klipos hatmeios (especially in machshova being kol kula for kedusha etc.)
    From Galaxy Note10+ to Everyone 12:55 AM
    Pushing, pushing but not touching to the tip of Ishbitz

    sounds like part of the problem might be that we form habits of response or procedurally learned tendencies influenced by developmental beliefs, so if we try to create change by insight or cognition alone we are limited by our habitual filters...chronic thinking patterns "what we already think we know"... the integration of the "drives" need to involve the emotions (heart) and the guf (fixed action patters,autonomic nervous system, physical defensive patterns, impulses need is to cultivate an awareness of patterns of internal experience and develop mindfulness of other levels of consciousness and unity.

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  • AFH

    Alizah Frayda Hochstead -3 years ago

    Questions from Israel

    Since we are listening to it later how can we get our questions answered? And is it possible to get this in written form

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  • TT

    tzvi tornek -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    How do you deal with the accusation that the descriptions of the souls in Tanya is racist?

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  • SDK

    Shmuel Dovid Kron -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Can you please discuss a bit about parts 4 & 5 of Tanya? How should I approach it and what am I supposed to get from it?

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi Yy

    How does what we're talking about come together with  what the alter Rebbe says that we don't to tikun hamidos

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  • B

    benji -3 years ago

    what does NO-THINGNESS experience look like? please describe- to me it looks like a black hole.

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  • S

    Shmuel -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    What's the difference between Yetser Hara (we aim to destroy or "kill" like David hamelech) and nefesh habihamis (which we seek to transform our control..)

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  • EZ

    Efraim zaltzman -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Theres a video By dollars weeks b4 27 adar that the Rebbe's message for shnas hatzadik is that every jew should try to becom a "Real tzaddik"

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  • SR

    shmuly rubin -3 years ago

    24 teves 1963


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  • B

    benji -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    On this point of the Nefesh Elokis- but a person can be termed a tzadik by pursuing spirtual Gdly connection "Dveikus" isnt that Nefesh Elokis? are you saying that still nefesh Habahamis?

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  • MR

    Miriam Rav-Noy -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    what does it mean to us that when we have pains/suffering we should think how it is really hashems deep kindness

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  • CL

    Cirel Lipskier -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    maximum was already reached. any way to up the number of participants? just got through on the yeshiva . net. but zoom is full. Thank you.

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    • A

      ADMIN -3 years ago

      We're sorry about the capacity on Zoom, you can try to get on again, people come and go

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  • LM

    Levi maximov -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    What was the alter rebbes relationship with other admurim in particular the rebbe Reb elimelech and his talmidim. Same question with regards to the sepharadi chachamim (since the alter rebbe was from a sepharadi lineage).

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  • JM

    Judith Malek -3 years ago

    How do you learn Tanya on ur own and be able to bring it down to earth and practicle realt life, in a way that can also be taught to others especially to people who have not been exposed to that much chasidus before.

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  • S

    S -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Can you address the generational gap between us and our parents/grandparents on the subject of emuna, struggle and is there perhaps really no gap other than our experiences?

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  • S

    S -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Where does Tanya fit in, in a case where therapy is a must?

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  • אדג

    אברהם דוד גוטמן -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    מה קרה למעיל של אדם הראשון מי קבל את זה בסוף תודה

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    dear rabbi,
    how do we reconcile the two ideas of ein eid milvado and it says that has-m created the world we live in?is the world we live in a fake world?

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Zoom Farbrengen #2 In Tribute to Reb Yoel Kahn

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 27, 2021
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  • 23 Tevet 5782
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לעילוי נשמות הרה״ח משפיע דתו״ת הת׳ מנחם זאב בן אברהם יחיאל הלוי, לרגל היארצייט כ"ב טבת. ואשתו מרת אסתר בת ר׳ משה שו״ב ע״ה. תנצב״ה.


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