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To Live In the Present and to Live in Infinity

The Two Innovative & Paradoxical Ideas of the Alter Rebbe's Shaar Hayichud V'HaEmuna

Class Summary:

This class was presented at the Yarchei Kallah event in honor of the Yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe, Baal HaTanya, on Tuesday, 24 Teves, 5779, January 1, 2019, at Khal Tzemach Tzedek, Monsey, NY

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  • B

    Binyomin -4 years ago

    Nochom Ish Gamzu

    Nochom Ish Gamzu did do Teshuva and much more

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  • I

    Isaac -4 years ago


    this is so so deep.

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24 Teves 5779 Classes

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 1, 2019
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  • 24 Tevet 5779
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