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Why Do I Need to Lose Money to Make Money?

All of History and Life Are About Risky Investments

1 hr 4 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Parshas Vayishlach, 11 Kislev, 5782, November 15, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    This gives a different perspective on all the conflict and divisiveness we see in the world. It is painful to be in this state where Achdus is lost, but it can be viewed as a challenge or investment in the goal of revealing deeper Achdus.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    מי השלוח, ליקוטי מי השלוח, ספר בראשית, תולדות ב׳ויזרע יצחק בארץ ההוא וימצא בשנה ההוא מאה שערים ויברכהו ה'. אמר בזה כבוד אזמו"ר זללה"ה שמדתו של יצחק נמשל לזריעה כמו זריעה אשר מי שאין לו הבנה בזריעה נדמה לו שהזורע מאבד לגמרי. אבל הזורע בעצמו מאמין היטב שיוצמח מזה הרבה, ומדת יצחק הוא מידת גבורה ומדת גבורה בעוה"ז מרמז על צמצום גדול, ובאמת נצמח ממדה הזאת כל עיקר ההשפעות.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    We all start off with a speck from tatty and another from mommy

    Then Hashem "invests/plants" a neshoma. We add to this three part mass by consuming food. 

    The "profit" (or loss chv"S) comes when we, the physical mass enlarged to 200lbs carrying that neshoma, engages in Torah,  tefilla and Maysim tovim. (Or the opposite) 

    Was it a "good investment" that generated a profit or not depends on each of us, the raw material that received the investment 

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    So this concept doesn't only apply

    to business.  It's about taking risks, getting out of comfort zones which leads to greater living, to more growth?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    "No pain, no gain"

    Hashem himself invests and plants  a neshoma into a guf with the expectation of profit. The profit is the Torah, tefilla and maysim tovim.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    What does a businessperson do in essence?

    Hashem made a world of raw materials, animals, vegetation etc.  Most of these creations are not consumable or usable by people in their raw state.

    A businessperson essentially develops the raw materials, animals and vegetation into usable consumable items.  This takes an investment of money, time, energy and skill.

    One who takes raw land and builds is called a devoted.

    In this sense every developer or businessperson is a partner in creation furthering and finishing Hashem's start. 

    Like the bris Milan. Wd finish and ate partners with Hashem. 

    To "squander" means to waste money. A more accurate word would be to "invest".

    To invest money always involves risk of loss or capital as the stockbroker ads always remind us. 

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    what is the text to be studied

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    • Anonymous -3 years ago

      click on the link above called SOURCE SHEETS

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Chassidus: Torah Ohr Vayeshev Yaakov #1

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • November 15, 2021
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  • 11 Kislev 5782
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Dedicated by Chanie and Yisroel Kaplan in honor of our 5th wedding anniversary - Kislev 11

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