Lecture to Chazkeinu
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Rabbi YY Jacobson addressed "Chazkeinu", an organization dedicated to help women with mental illness, on Wednesday, 23 Iyar, 5781, May 5, 2021
Lecture to Chazkeinu
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Anonymous -3 years ago
I cannot thank you enough for putting out this video. I, a ffb who left the derech and is on my return but what's turning me off so much is that my own sister is suffering and it has been acknowledged that it is true that it's a stigma and that unfortunately, there's no way for this person to get help specifically bec this person is terrified that the frum community would find out. So... she's under too much pressure to even let the meds work& the husband has no clue that it's not that she can snap her fingers and the depression is gone. It's a mess. Financial / if she can go to a frum agency and pay on a sliding scale, thereby helping the husband's concern bec he stopped the therapy bec of the cost and that she wasn't internalising what the therapist was asking.
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miriam -3 years ago
You speak about mental illness mainly in terms of depression and anxiety. You do NOT address the abuse going on INSIDE the home by parents who neglect kids, don't care, scream, call names, are in an addictive fog. You talk
about how important it is to have a supportive spouse!
What if the spouse is an explosive abuser or an addictive user? Do NOT equate the mentally ill with those who are physically ill. The mentally ill are often scary - untrustworthy, unreliable, unpredictable, inconsiderate and cruel. IT IS
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Anonymous -3 years ago
How can you live thinking that? Perhaps you encountered a very ill person ? But mentally ill people can be the sweetest and finest of human beings.
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Moshe -3 years ago
"We don't know why Meron happened"
I believe there was a non-chassidic Torah leader who attributed the holocaust to the erosion of yiddishkeit in Eastern Europe before the war. (Although many frum yidden died as well).
The Lubavitcher Rebbe took umbrage with such attribution and stated that we don't know why Hashem does such things.
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