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Understanding Addiction

How the Love of the Divine Soul & the Animal Soul Gets Filtered Through Seven Mediums

1 hr 22 min

Class Summary:

This is a text-based class on the Maamar, Chassidic discourse, by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, U'sfartem Lachem, presented by the Rebbe on Lag Ba'omer, 18 Iyar, 5711, May 24, 1951.

This class was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Monday, Parshas Emor, 14 Iyar, 5781, April 26, 2021, live from his home in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago


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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Happy Pesach Sheni everyone

    "It's never too late" 

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  • YH

    Yosef Hersh -3 years ago

    Hitler ym"S tried to destroy the foundation of yiddishkeit

    And the foundational midda provides the ability to communicate the inherent love. 

    So we see that holocaust survivors were emotionally bankrupt and  constipated even as they were loving and  giving.

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  • YH

    Yosef Hersh -3 years ago

    Yosef knew how to connect, had midda hayesod

    But, he caused his brothers to hate him. 

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    what is the difference between Netzach and Yesod? They both are inner struggles.

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