Chassidus: Maamer Usfartem 5711 #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Rochel Rifkind l'iluei nishmas Ezra ben Arthur.
This is a text-based class on the Maamar, Chassidic discourse, by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, U'sfartem Lachem, presented by the Rebbe on Lag Ba'omer, 18 Iyar, 5711, May 24, 1951.
This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Tazria/Metzora, 3 Iyar, 5781, April 15, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Maamer Usfartem 5711 #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Rochel Rifkind l'iluei nishmas Ezra ben Arthur.
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Talmid of Rav Jacobson -3 years ago
This extraordinary shiur can, I believe, help many people come to a state of peace with the drives they may not want and (***harnessing them***) become bigger and better Jews.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
"We turn the physical into the spiritual"
When trying to describe what shluchim do to people who are totally unaware, I say that a shaliach goes to (jewishly) barren turf and turns the physicality there (the means and assets and wherewithal of yidden there already) into ruchnious (a school, a shul, a mikvah, chinuch, mitzvahs, etc.)
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Only people have a G-dly soul not animals
Notice that all creation and all animals were created by His WORD.
Animals were created from His WORD a very high level.
Only people were created from pre-existing matter, i.e. dust, the lowest and inanimate matter. But then, paradoxically, He BLEW in a soul from His innards making us a paradoxical combination of the lowest, dust and the highest, a "chelek Elokai mimal mamesh".
And so we have two souls and a battle between the two for our lives and as our mission.
Of course, Yidden have a higher type of G-dly soul. But this is not chauvinistic or superior, anyone is able to join and gain this higher type of soul.
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Sara -3 years ago
Beautiful explanation...
of how the two souls, animal and GDly integrated together in a healthy way cah achieve such a higher state of being. GD is amazing and so smart, the way HE put us together. :)
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
One can walk fast. And one can run slowly.
The difference is that walking at least one foot is always in contact with the ground. Connected. And with running at one point in the cycle or rhythm both feet are in the air, reaching higher. Disconnected.
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