Chassidus: Maamer Usfartem 5711 #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Rochel Rifkind l'iluei nishmas Ezra ben Arthur.
This is a text-based class on the Maamar, Chassidic discourse, by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, U'sfartem Lachem, presented by the Rebbe on Lag Ba'omer, 18 Iyar, 5711, May 24, 1951.
This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Tazria/Metzora, 3 Iyar, 5781, April 15, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Maamer Usfartem 5711 #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Rochel Rifkind l'iluei nishmas Ezra ben Arthur.
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Talmid of Rav Jacobson -3 years ago
This extraordinary shiur can, I believe, help many people come to a state of peace with the drives they may not want and (***harnessing them***) become bigger and better Jews.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
"We turn the physical into the spiritual"
When trying to describe what shluchim do to people who are totally unaware, I say that a shaliach goes to (jewishly) barren turf and turns the physicality there (the means and assets and wherewithal of yidden there already) into ruchnious (a school, a shul, a mikvah, chinuch, mitzvahs, etc.)
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Only people have a G-dly soul not animals
Notice that all creation and all animals were created by His WORD.
Animals were created from His WORD a very high level.
Only people were created from pre-existing matter, i.e. dust, the lowest and inanimate matter. But then, paradoxically, He BLEW in a soul from His innards making us a paradoxical combination of the lowest, dust and the highest, a "chelek Elokai mimal mamesh".
And so we have two souls and a battle between the two for our lives and as our mission.
Of course, Yidden have a higher type of G-dly soul. But this is not chauvinistic or superior, anyone is able to join and gain this higher type of soul.
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Sara -3 years ago
Beautiful explanation...
of how the two souls, animal and GDly integrated together in a healthy way cah achieve such a higher state of being. GD is amazing and so smart, the way HE put us together. :)
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
One can walk fast. And one can run slowly.
The difference is that walking at least one foot is always in contact with the ground. Connected. And with running at one point in the cycle or rhythm both feet are in the air, reaching higher. Disconnected.
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Motti Cohen -3 years ago
Doesnt the nefesh elokis have a natural passion to reconnect to G-d? So what does it mean that the nefesh habahamis makes it merutzah?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Why say that the flour for the Sotah was barley because
Of animal behavior?
She is only accused of such. Not proven. Where is the presumption of innocence? "Dan l'kav z'chus?
And we know that she could easily be found to be innocent and gets a brochure, etc.
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone asked...
In times of past 24,000 pairs of chavrusas were plagued because they had not respect one to another.Here today I was called roidef because I warned against the dangers of the mRNA and told of the other alternatives while the survival rate is high ....One will pitch against another and it will lead to actual war inside Lubavitch. Please address the terrible problem of calling those who opt out of the mRNA roidef.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
נשמה יתירה. רוחב לב למנוחה ולשמחה ולהיות פתוח לרוחה ויאכל וישתה ואין נפשו קצה עליו
Rashi in Beitzah 16 says the neshama yeserah is in order to be able to eat more- lichora a peleh - this is why need a neshama yeserah?
Based on the Maamar that discusses--mashcheni .. narutzah -perhaps the idea is as follows: that by increasing the ratzon of the nefesh habehamus which is in full strength, that allows for the nefesh elokus to be poel in the nefesh bahamas much more and proportionate to the strength of the nefesh bahamas the nefesh elokus will be able to run together with this additional boost from the nefesh habahamas.
In addition, in the maamar it says that the animal soul doesn't move slowly, rather, either completely to run away from elokus or alighning itself and elevating itself towards elokus. The Sefas Emes that was discussed in the previous class brought out that the rah inside of us is to be used together with the yetzer tov (beshney yitzrecha etc.) The rah can be taken out of context and seperated to run away from elokus and to be left with just the animal inside of us or run in the direction of elokus and become an animal that is elevated with the soul. To channel those desires, cravings etc. to infuse it with holiness delving deep in to the pnimius of the rah to see the great goodness that lies behind these drives that can be used for avodas hashem.
Going back to the rashi - he says פתוח לרוחה- the animal soul can be opened up on shabbas to be more in touch with the drive towards elokus and the increase eating and drinking with the special day of shabbas can be used in a way to broaden our horizons to bring our full potenital of what the animal soul has to offer in our avodah and this way ואין נפשו קצה עליו the nefesh elokus will not be disgusted with the eating rather it will give it a 'tosefes or' an increased light to develop even further and reaching beyond its previous constraints.
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