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Hearts with No Hate

Let's Create Space for Sensitive Souls Traumatized by Existence

34 min

Class Summary:

On Sunday, Parshas Acharei Mos-Kedoshim, 6 Iyar, 5781, April 18, 2021, Rabbi YY Jacobson presented a special class, in the loving memory of his cousin, Yocheved Tova bas Avraham and Nechama Dina Gourarie.

The class tells the story of Reb Mordechai of Chernobyl and a pack of wolves; explains why Aaron had to go back to space where his sons passed away, and how each of us must face our shame and pain, as the Baal Shem Tov about facing Egypt; and the meaning of the name of the portion "Acharei Mos, after the death," how we must learn to appreciate and accommodate souls like Nadav and Avihu, who are traumatized by the very experience of existence and fragmentation so that they can create fusion.

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  • GS

    Gitty Stern -1 year ago

    wow, so true!! Thank you for talking from your heart

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  • M

    Melody -2 years ago

    Thank you , this is the first time I have visited your site, and of all the videos, the first I could includes horses. 
    You have answered something I have always struggled to completely understand ! Thank you. 

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Thank you, this has given me a lot of chizuk.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Some ultra sensitive souls suffer just because of tzimtzum

    Yet, although  this is the result of being hypersensitive and others might think it's a "mayle" (positive attribute), just perhaps this is also the result of subjective self-centered emotions and thoughts, howsoever lofty. 

     Deeper reflection might reveal that Hashem not only knew what He was doing, but desired precisely that. Who can say subjectively that his reaction, his emotion, his thoughts, being supremely sensitive and sublime, can take higher priority than Hashem's will? 

    Subjectively sensitive people can "suffer" from things he considers to cause his suffering, but one must rise above such sensitivity, no matter how lofty and sublime. We do what Hashem wants and we should not suffer from things like tzimtzum that Hashem wants as well. 

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  • BDK

    Baruch D Kaufman -3 years ago


    How/would you guide a hidden child holocaust surviver (my mother תחי') to face their past horrors and fears?

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    • Z

      Zohar/Teshuva -3 years ago

      Powerfull Love, heals any wounds.

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Tribute to a Young Woman Yocheved Gourarie

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • April 18, 2021
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  • 6 Iyyar 5781
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