Chassidus: Siddur Shaar Chag Hamatzos #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Aliza Ben-Baruch, in loving memory of Basya bas Shmuel
This text-based class, the first of a series on the Maamar Sheishes Yamim, in the Siddur of the Baal HaTanya, the Alter Rebbe, was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Monday, Parshas Vayakhel/Pekudei, 24 Adar, 5781, March 8, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Siddur Shaar Chag Hamatzos #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Aliza Ben-Baruch, in loving memory of Basya bas Shmuel
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Anonymous -4 years ago
The Shelah HaKodesh also says re ' lo sivaru aish ' that it's telling us to not ignite the fires of machlokes and dissension on the holy Shabbos
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Yaakov Hammer -4 years ago
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Pristine nusach?
what did you mean?
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Matza is chometz, arrested
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Matza is POTENTIAL chometz, arrested
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
The world was given 7 Noahide laws but Avraham was made an exception
And, though not obligated by Torah yet, but only by his presience of the Torah's laws yet to be formally given, Avraham no doubt already kept Shabbos as well as the rest of Torah. . (We see he kept Pesach when the melochim came to visit. Bris was dafka not kept)
And Avraham had as his life mission to spread the idea of Hashem and His Laws.
Did he teach those not yet "converted" (whatever that meant in his day) ALL of Torah? No. later we are forbidden to have nonjews keep Shabbos, so too, this exclusion was kept by Avraham. I.e. he did not have nonjews keep Shabbos.
So the exception, the prat, that was Avraham, sheds light on the rule, the klal, that all of humanity in his time should be taught and keep the 7 Noahide Laws, BUT NOT SHABBOS.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
A klal is the rule, a prat is the exception
And the fact of an exception is not just per se, but when one examines the RATIONALE for the exception being different from the klal, one can better understand the rationale for the klal as well.
We drive 55 mph. But an ambulance can break this speed limit legally. From this we learn that 55 is to ensure safety but the exception for the ambulance clarifies that saving a life overrides general safety.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
The Alter Rebbe took from 60 siddurim
Yet, in Lubavitch we sometimes don't at all say certain items that other groups say. E.g. various megillas on yomim tovim
Just last Shabbos it came as a surprise to my Chasidic host that we don't say certain "yotzros" said by others on Shabbosim like Shabbos Paramus.
Here, the Alter Rebbe didn't select from among the many siduurim before him, but left out large sections said by others in davenning.
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