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I Don’t Feel Like It. So What?

The Complex Journey from Awareness to Emotion

1 hr 8 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Monday Parshas Vayikra, 4 Adar II, 5779, March 11, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY 

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  • R

    Rachele -6 years ago

    If we can’t freeze our experiences into kerach and be mezamzem them, then we can’t create partitions, between one experience and another, we limit growths. Everything remains in a state of mayim. And mayim inundates everything, all experiences flood into each other without partition and creates chaos. 
    If all our experiences, trauma remain in the “expansion” of water there is never really any “space” for anything new to come into our life. No room for Toldois. It’s the trauma that never freezes in time and is forever present......
    Probably that is what proper grieving is about. You fully experience but than a partition is created for that experience and you are able to freeze and shrink it from your life, making room for new life, mayim to emerge with new experiences and growth......
    Real growth is the continuous evolution of turning mayim into kerach......
    If our entire life is always present in the form of mayim there is no space for new life to come in, because we are drowning....
    I see this in the letters very much.... I see in what mental state they are. if someone writes about a specific problem or they write to you the history from the day they are born then I can see that they were never able to freeze and put partition between experiences and yes those people are drowning in their own water... because nothing ever got frozen and put behind a partition......
    Any sense?

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Maamer Hanosen Sheleg Katzamer #5

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 11, 2019
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  • 4 Adar II 5779
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