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Navigating Life as a Single Parent

How Do I Explain to My Child Why His Father Is Absent?

1 hr 16 min

Class Summary:

This zoom lecture by Rabbi YY Jacobson addressing single parents, arranged by the organization "My Extended Family" of Monsey and was followed by Q and A, on Monday night, 9:00pm EST, 2 Adar, 5781, February 15, 2021, live from Rabbi YY Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

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  • YG

    Ysaroslav Gorlov -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    test question2

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  • SMB

    Single mother BT -4 years ago

    I am a baalas Teshuvanow keeping shabbos, kashrus and everything else. My children’s father is a goy, unfortunately. We have shared custody, so every other week and Shabbos the kids are by him. By him they eat treife meat every day, and he makes sure they have treife meat daily at school when they’re by him. Of course by him there’s no shabbos or Yom Tov or anything else. I understand that this is the outcome of my terrible mistake and my ignorance in my upbringing, not seeing anything wrong with being with a goy at the time...I am trying my best to educate my children in Jewish spirit and with Torah and mitzvos, but they are being pulled between two opposites. How do I deal with this and how can I educate my children to be proud Jews themselves and want themselves not to eat treif. To want themselves to keep shabbos etc.?Thanks a lot.

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  • MF

    mayer franken -4 years ago

    With a wife who was mentally ill and refusing medication ,staying in bed all day ,never showering ,or changing etc after a mariiage of 21 years could not hold out anymore and after trying to work on getting her to get help which did not work with consultation of my rov and a few other rabonim and professionals ,i left ,took children with me ,they are all older from 13 years old till 22 years all boys ,two of them are happy that i left one of them couldnt care less (the oldest) and the two middel ones are fuming mad at me ,they ask me if i stayed for so long why leave now ,is there anything i can say or do ,to make them understand me ?

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago


    How can I as a father properly understand my daughter and what she's going through and care for her, I sometimes feel like since I didn't grow up in the same situation that she will nebach grow up in so I can never really understand what she's going through...

    I understand that many people give advice to constantly just plain shower her with love, which I do, and she loves spending her time with me. But what MORE can I do, to properly understand and feel her and then give in return. Thanks.

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    How do I balance being in court with a vile attorney/seemingly biased judge and keeping the proper perspectives of bitachon 

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Father has emotional challenges -sometimes emotionally present, sometimes emotionally absent (plus other abuse :( How do I balance relaying he loves you and not equating that that's acceptable relationship of love for her relationships down the line   

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  • MEFS

    My Extended Family Services -4 years ago

    My ex and I want to make shalom bayis as best we can for our kids. But our families are so against each other? How can we get them to stop hating eachother so violently.

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  • MEFS

    My Extended Family Services -4 years ago

    Parenting on my own brings a whole host of challenges. The biggest one for me is needing to be on all the time. I cant tap out and have someone else take over when I get too emotional or angry. I find myself parenting in a way that I am unhappy with. How do I deal with my own כעס when dealing with my children? I grew up in a very angry home and dont want that for my children but with no partner to help me I feel at a loss.

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  • MEFS

    My Extended Family Services -4 years ago

    How do I deal with my family who have so much animosity towards my ex husband and can barely hold their contempt for him back around my children? Dont get me wrong, I am not a fan of his but we are careful to not argue or speak negatively about each other in from of the kids.

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  • SFTF

    Single full time father -4 years ago

    Rabbi YY,

    All the questions so far you had addressed against the ex husband and father...

    There are many cases where the mother/wife was the sole cause of divorce, the mother who's not "frum", or the mother who abandones the children...

    And btw, there are a few cases I personally know of, where the wives really do want to return to the husbands, but her strong father and family decided on devorce and took away the wife and most kids from him, making court cases etc. and of course saying that he's a mesarev get, when in reality she longs to get back... So not always can you judge by the cover, seeing a man not giving a get...


    A single full time father of a few little children

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    What is the reason for the custom that frum divorces must be toxic and bitter and messy to the utmost level? Why is it so condoned and normalized in the community? What's being done about this?

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  • MEFS

    My Extended Family Services -4 years ago

    How does one co-parent with an addict, who fluctuates erratic behaviors? I feel that I am enforcing to my 5 year that this is normal.

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  • MEFS

    My Extended Family Services -4 years ago

    I have some family in town but I feel like they are not there for me, like they almost never invite my children and I for Shabbos meals or Yomtov and with Pesach coming, I feel sad. I feel like they do not understand the struggles I am going through. How should I deal with this?

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  • MEFS

    My Extended Family Services -4 years ago

    My ex husband does show up and loves his kids and they love him, however he is not religious and also involved with drugs and I worry that he is a bad influence in their lives and causes them a lot of confusion. How do I protect them? Is any father better than no father? Is there a point where it’s better for children to be sheltered and have one derech even at the expense of being separated from a parent for a period of time?

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  • MEFS

    My Extended Family Services -4 years ago

    How do you deal with a difficult Ex who constantly takes you to court for no appropriate reason at all. Especially when you are a loving and caring mom and have the child for all the days of the week and are the primary caregiver. The unnecessary visits to court have become so tiresome and emotional drain, that i even have a Virtual court appearance on the day of Purim:) I am ready for it, but it stops me from moving forward in my life and Ex constantly keeps me busy with his Shenanigans.

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  • MEFS

    My Extended Family Services -4 years ago

    How should I respond when my now 5 year old asks why dont mommy and aba live together anymore. She remembers the time when we did.

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  • MEF

    My Extended Family -4 years ago

    Why do you say that Esther was abducted? Didn’t Mordechai force (or convince her) to participate in the contest? Perhaps when Achashverosh picked Esther, Mordechai felt guilty for forcing Esther into this situation and that’s why hed come daily to check on her?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    Various famous people have said that

    Half (or even 80 or 90%) of life is just showing up.

    Woody Allen. Pres. G.W. Bush, and others. 

    I always asked "what's the other half?" 

    My answer" "knowing when to  leave!" 

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Lecture on Single Parenting with Q & A

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 15, 2021
  • |
  • 3 Adar 5781
  • |

Dedicated by Ronel Cordova in honor of his mother, Sonia Cordova.

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