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Life After Divorce - Part 2

2 hr 4 min

Class Summary:

This is part two of a series about Life After Divorce, addressed by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Thursday, 23 Sivan, 5781, June 3, 2021. This series is part of "Let's Get Real" live interactive conferences with life coach Menachem Berenfeld and Asher Parnes.

In part two of the series, we will be exploring these topics:

1. Feeling abandoned by former family and friends.
2. Feeling estranged from the community.
3. Navigating your children's journey.
4. Dealing with parental alienation.
5. The withholding of a get.

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  • R

    R.Landman -1 month ago

    So much Chizuk!!

    Thank you so much! I got so much clarity and chizuk from this! Thank you Rabbi YY, Rabbi Feuerman and the organisers!

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  • MP

    Miriam Procaccia -3 years ago

    Thank you so much for all your work. It's been very inspiring and enriching. When will the part 3 of Life after Divorce be taking place?

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  • MA

    moshe arya -3 years ago

    Thank you very much. I have been divorced for 11/2 years + 1 year separated prior to giving a get. Thank g-d that after 30 yrs of marriage we were able to avoid all issues, children, money, etc. Having said the previous, this session was so therapeutic for me. I was able to cry and realize that it is a crying that allows for healing. Every person who goes through divorce should remember everyday Rabbi Y.Y.'s story about Joseph not being sold (victim) but rather sent by hashem (my special journey to impact my surroundings through this obstacle) 

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    • AB

      Aida bejman -3 years ago

      I like your commment ! 
      i was married also for many years and it's difficult to go on 

      great shiur ! 

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  • B

    Bailey -3 years ago

    I have to say I am Beyond Thrilled to see that you have come out so strongly against abuse against women (and men). I truly hope other Rabbi's follow your lead... It may lead to less Gett issues, Less abuse......

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The Divorce Series #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 3, 2021
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  • 23 Sivan 5781
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Dedicated by Hannah Reichmann in gratitude 

Classes in this Series

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