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Stop Trying to Understand Your Life

When I Lean Torah and I'm Stuck In Its "Brilliance," I'm a Victim of Greek Hellenism

50 min

Class Summary:

This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Vayeshev, 22 Kislev, 5781, December 8, 2020, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY


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  • T

    Tzivia -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    I would like to appear live at this event
    I hope this is on topic: My friend asked me the following question: It seems like hatred and violence are on the rise. Anti Semitism , racism,bigotry, have become the norm. (In her words: We as a people are destroying the planet). Is G-d telling us we need a reset.? She also asked why G-d brought on the flood. I feel like I cannot just tell her that this is beyond logic. Not everyone has learned these concepts yet, it has to first be internalized

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    someone said...

    The election has been making everyone crazy I guess b/c we can't allow the unknown seeming lack of reason and truth behind it.

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  • AH

    Alizah Hochstead -4 years ago

    Lost volume

    I cant hear

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  • I

    ILana -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    No sound starting at 10:49 am

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  • A

    Akiva -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Hi i believe you are muted

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  • S

    Sara -4 years ago

    There are still people today,

    many people today who stress and focus on the logic. It wasn't just the Greeks. Maybe it's easier for them to do that because the other is to be vulnerable and open and just much to difficult.

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  • AH

    Alizah Hochstead -4 years ago


    If men don't understand us do we express ourselves so we can be understood or do we just expect them to read our minds.

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  • AH

    Alizah Hochstead -4 years ago


    If men don't understand us do we express ourselves so we can be understood or do we just expect them to read our minds.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    Someone commented

    Most of us women are misunderstood. most men don't understand the woman feelings and thoughts. I always believed that men have an issue with our creation and development.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    I agree with ...

    all your points about logic. You said that it's important to be able to distinguish between what is absurd or ridiculous, (my words, maybe not the ones you used) and what is valid. But who decides what is absurd or ridiculous and what is valid? The person who I may think is being ridiculous has used their logic to convince themselves that they are indeed right, that their perspective is valid. Makes logic even more confounding and confusing. Maybe I'm taking it to the extreme, because I do embrace and use logic. It is important to harness emotions. It seems that you are saying that the deeper yearnings (those things above and beyond logic) are really the more important, the most honest and sincere way to connect with GD.

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  • A

    Adina -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Thank you so much Rabbi! My question is ,what happens to a person who decides not to keep Torah and mitzvot.?

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    • AH

      Alizah Hochstead -4 years ago

      I think we have to remember to never close the door on them

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  • AH

    Alizah Hochstead -4 years ago

    Thank you for giving a SHiur from here in Beitar

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  • AH

    Alizah Hochstead -4 years ago

    Thank you for giving a SHiur from here in Beitar

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  • I

    isaac -4 years ago

    thank you looking fwd

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Women's Chanukah Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 8, 2020
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  • 22 Kislev 5781
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Dedicated in honor of a beloved wife, mother, daughter, sister, and teacher, Mrs. Dorina Kalatyאסתר בת אליה ז״ל, may her memory be for a blessing.

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