Likkutei Sichos Vayetzei
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated in the zchus of Aaron Dovid ben Chaya Tzivia for hatzlocha and Nechama Dina bas Chaya Tzivia for a shidduch.
This text-based class on Likkutei Sichos vol. 10 Parshas Vayeitzei was presented on Tuesday Parshas Vayetzei, 8 Kislev, 5781, November 24, 2020, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY
The class explores a perplexing Midrash on why Yaakov refused to make a peace treaty with Avimelech, like his father and grandfather have done before him. It leads us to examine some of the key differences between Yaakov and Yitzchak and Avraham in terms of how they related to the toxicity around them.
It also explains why only Yaakov saw all of his children continuing in his footsteps.
The class tells the story of Israeli politician and social activist Geulah Cohen's visit to the Rebbe. How she described sitting for two hours in the presence of a true believer.
Likkutei Sichos Vayetzei
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated in the zchus of Aaron Dovid ben Chaya Tzivia for hatzlocha and Nechama Dina bas Chaya Tzivia for a shidduch.
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Eli Singer -4 years ago
Who is the artist who created the work above?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
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isaac -4 years ago
עיין גם שפת אמת ויצא: והאבן גדולה כו' וגללו כו'. וביעקב כתיב ויגל. כמ"ש בספרים על הכובש את יצרו שהוא גדול יותר ממי שאינו שומע לו. רק הוא כובשו להיות כפוף תחתיו. וכל מי שצריך לשאוב מפי הבאר צריך לגלול זה היצה"ר. אבל הוא לשעה והשיבו למקומו כו' כמ"ש במדרש. אבל ביעקב ויגל לשון גילוי שנתגלה ע"י. כל הפנימיות שיש בהאבן עצמו. הוא היצה"ר. שנהפך לטוב. ובירר שהכל טוב. כמו שיהי' לעתיד הכל מתוקן. וזה החילוק בין וגללו לויגל כנ"ל. גם עתה בכל ש"ק יש הכנה לימי השבוע והוא כענין ויצא מבאר שבע לחרן. כמ"ש פי הבאר נברא בע"ש. שהוא התמשכות החיות מנקודה הפנימיות לכל הצדדין. ובאר שבע הוא אור שבעת הימים שהוא מתגלה בשבת קודש כנ"ל:
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Both Avraham and Yitzchak didn't transform all their children
But Yakov did. We also know that Avraham epitomized chesed and Yitzchak epitomized gevurah. Perhaps, by "specializing" in one midda like that, it was insufficient to transform all their children--and society at large.
But, Yakov combined and synthesized both chesed and gevurah, the right combination of hot and cold, bitter and sweet like the coffee, and by the combination we call tiferes, he was the only one of the avos to have only "perfect" children (despite tge deficiencies mentioned yesterday) and to have a lasting impact.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
"Whatever Yakov touches turns to gold"
Yet, after so many years with Lavan, we see Lavan comes running after his son in law and daughters and grandchildren, with malevolence. Only because Hashem came to him did he not do them harm. Not transformed at all!
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Mordechai Litzman -4 years ago
If Yaacov represents the third Beis Hamikdash, why is Yitzchak going to be the main one of the avos in the time to come, and not Yaacov?
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Hershel Gruenberg -4 years ago
Amazing question!!
We learn that Yacov is the perfection of the Avot. Still the gmara in shabbos shows Hashems disdain for Yacovs and Avrahams answer. Your children will sin..Only Yitchaks answer is acceptable to Hashem.
Also you can ask if Gdliness will be revealed to all then what will the revelation in the 3rd temple add?
My guess is that we are talking about two different types of revelation .
I would love to hear the Rabbis answer
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Sara -4 years ago
The sicha is only yiddish or hebrew? Anywhere in English
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Anonymous -4 years ago
You can find the English translation at
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Thank you Anonymous.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
All of Yakov's sons were "perfect"?
Wasn't Yosef gayvidik? Weren't the brothers jealous? Didn't they plot to kill their brother? Didn't they sell him as a slave? Look what Yehuda did with Tamar. Didn't levi and shimon commit murder of Schechem? Weren't they left out of Yakov's brochas?
Should my children do anything similar they would hardly be called "perfect"!
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Sara -4 years ago
I thought...
that Yitzchak lived in Eretz Israel, that he was the only patriarch that lived there and never left as did Avraham and Yaakov. Beersheva was not in Israel?
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Miri -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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