Chassidus: Maamar Matzah Zu 5672 #6
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Ronald Stein, in memory of Aaron Hershel ben Moshe, who's yartzeit is today 28 Adar
This class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Vayikra, 28 Adar, 5780, March 23, 2020, live from Rabbi Jacobson's House in Monsey, NY
Chassidus: Maamar Matzah Zu 5672 #6
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Ronald Stein, in memory of Aaron Hershel ben Moshe, who's yartzeit is today 28 Adar
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Aharon -4 years ago
Nefesh – considered lowest – nefesh hachiyunis – electricity of the body, vitality of the body
Ruach – emotive, hispaiylus, hisrachshus – inspiration, enthusiasm, animals also have - kelev = dog = “all heart” -
Neshama – cognition of human being, beyond emotion curiosity , inquisitive ness, ask q’s search for truth & meaning
Nefesh Elokis – ability to act and implement values even w/o clarity of emotions, to carry thru , connected to nezach & hod
Structure of Davening match up:
Diff levels in all the souls; ex eating – sometimes inspired to eat right thgs, sometimes wrong things – can’t see clearly but as far as passion need netzach, - know deep down that u care more 4 ur life than eating the 7 layer cake-
Nefesh playing itself out – holding back w/o the emotions
BST: “I can’t be at every market every year” ie can’t always have nefesh & ruach
Pesukei d’zimrah –
L’zamair – to reflect on those truths in life that allow the ruach to emerge, organically
814 taking things for granted
Meditatons to daven better
(A sign for the ice cream store, hiking trail, amusement park – simly making them aware that the action is there – gets excited )
8:18 ruchiniyus sometimes related to lack of order but it is not.
Neshama: yearns to be connected
A seder – can’t jump fr one place t another w/o steps – mashal of taking a trip – Davening order building up etc
Remember 3 levels of slavery at beg’g of maamar.
820 penimius change – takes time and consistency – assimilate takes time –
22 NESHAMA focused on yedias and knowledge, profound and intense understanding of Elokus
Each world is a separate perspective – acc’g to each how one can be aware of the divine reality – what is true in one world is small & insig compared to a reality of a higher world , and that is relative to a hi’er world also miniscule – light is filtered
Learn V’yudata Moscow - 1897 – teacher & student & tzimtzum
25 – need to bring out emotions in ruach one needs to be aware of certain truths – yet a little hisbonneus is enuf to bring out emotions Neshama is a diff level
31 Neshama & nefesh Elokis (incl’d in this is also nefesh, ruach & neshama) are not the same
Neshama – all about penimius haTorah
Ruach and nefesh – DNA of
Focus on one aspect;
Mochin b’etzem – to ferstand fun der zach
and mochin sh’b’midos – what’s relevant – hishpaalos
“b’chain” – Shabbos morning big intro to yishtabach “u’v’chain” ie what’s the tachlis, how is it relevant to me, how will it chg my life. People always looking for the b’chain – what’s relevant to me.
Diff of ruach & neshama also
837 how to inspire people? Make it relevant. “hit the spot”. ‘touched me” ie spoke about me!
U’b’chain – seldom say after a Gem shir “you hit my spot” – halachas may be interesting, etc but don’t change me as a person.
840 psychological size of person = midos
Email fr woman: speech for husbands to improve empathy esp during this virus crisis
841 speech to men
842 how you can change your life will sell – ie a lecture, project, etc
843 take truth and dumb it down to me
How does truth relate to things I’m interested in – show how something will improve sales, I’m interested
How mochin Elokus speaks to me – if one can explain certin truths re Gdliness, creation
Pesukei z’zimray creates hishpaalos
Speaks to my truth, issues.
Mochin b’etzem – truth for the sake of truth, not looking for inspiration not for the sake of relevance, only this is opposite the above – ask not what G-d can do for you, ask what u can do for G-d
Ruach – not transformation, only informational -
it’s about me, my ideas, excitement - B’chain
848 in real spirituality looking for the b’chain is a subtle form of selfishness – have to dumb down the truth to how truth can speak to my emotions, my midos
849 don’t get to neshama w/o ruach
Neshama – mochin b’etzem – relates to emes itself – focus is emes
Need to understand everything in shelshelhes to get full understanding of what is Elokus – the etzem inyan – only that can only really transform one and touch transcendance –
What did we learn today? What’s the exercise? What’s the b’cahin? That we don’t need a b’chain. We don’t need “what does it do for me?” allow self to be defined by truth, go into mikvah – tevila is letters bitul – not allowed t stick out of mikvah, don’t need t be visible .
What’s the b’chain? Is all the level of ruach. Real connection is the connect’n w/the emes of it, not dumbing it down to me ie the b’chain.
Real transformation is in neshama not ruach.
Detached academia –
Ahava & yirah
One more detail
Understand Elokus – in levushim outside levushim
Ideas – not truth - levush – a garment dressing something up to allow comprehension
Hasaga –
Ruach – nogaya is inspiration
Neshama – comprehension -
Seichel – one’s ability to comprehend that which is beyond comprehension , looking for this in neshama
Silence of divine
Emunah tahara – chasid asked what is it? It’s not tarnished thru human intellect.
Truth is beyond an idea -
We dress up truth in ideas cuz that’s what we do – so it becomes relevant
Mafshit fr all levushim – get to mochin b’etzem, bring up and up and come to the nakuda which is beyond hasaga
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Shimshon Fisher -4 years ago
From the last 7 min.
I don't understand how once A person has reached the space where intellect can no longer express the idea or the phenomenon it then becomes something a person feels? If that's the case then it's worked backward because it's a feeling and in the level of ruach.
Also if a person can't explain this idea because it is so lofty and has trancended sechel and removed all the levushim then do they have hasagah at all? Like Rashi, can it be explained to a 5 year old? Or if that were possible would it then be מוחין דמדות?
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Rochella -4 years ago
I’m still speechless from the class!
Now I understand why you have to climb the ladder from bottom up instead of chapping malochim....
Otherwise it’s an escape
I’m in awe how you were able to explain such concepts with words...
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Michael -4 years ago
Very deep stuff. One of the most esoteric, abstruse concepts we have studied, perhaps in the entire 4 years of the shiur.
I have a veritable list of "what chassidus has taught me", various life lessons that I have learned froom the shiur and that I can call on in so many life situations as a sort of internal compass and a toolbox of spiritual and emotional support. Just this week Liz and I were discussing that the fear and anxiety--at times bordering on panic--that we feel these weeks is a reminder to bring some of those lessons back into our higher levels of consciousness, and to remember to "activate" and re-internalize them, so they can HELP us cope with the current crisis.
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Moshe -4 years ago
Oob'chain=therefore=how does this apply to me?
I am a young string healthy father. If you tell me not yo ho out, not to ho to minyan, that my kids home with mo school shouldn't go out, then it doesn't relate to me. And I might not listen.
BUT if you tell me that if I don't listen my kids might kill zayde by infecting him these days, now that's relevant!
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Aharon -4 years ago
women also need to chill, breath, talk more gently, enjoy the quiet (or noise), smile, not be anxious etc
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Aharon -4 years ago
where are you in the text?
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Aharon -4 years ago
where are you in the text?
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