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When I am Here, I Need Not Want To Be There

"I Don't To Be at Every Marketplace," the Alter Rebbe Said to the Barditchover Tzaddik

49 min

Class Summary:

This class was streamed live from Rabbi Jacobson's house in Monsey, NY on Friday, Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei, 24 Adar, 5780, March 20, 2020

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  • A

    Aharon -4 years ago

    20 yr old = self conscious

    40 yr old –don’t care what others  think

    60 yrold – realize no one was looking & no one cared


    Ruach -

    Nefesh  - hodu til baruch she’amar

    Chaya Yechida – ohr makif – higher more transcendant overwhelming energy of the soul which is not manifested in the body

    Seder hadracha in life          

    1545    “don’t grab angels”   chizon external person vs. penimi – wherever he is he is there completely

    step by step    Got to be 2 yrs old to get to 20 yrs ole etc.  

    18:00  Alter Rebbe:    insert “v’shamru b’nai Yisrael” followed by kaddish

          VG – doesn’t like this insertion cuz supposed to go straight fr geulah to shem esre.   Haskivenu like tefila aricah cuz anshei knesses inserted it

    BHT also took out of tefilla  - yet is in the siddur  he wrote nusach   sefard and Arizal mostly – used 60 texts/sources     perfect acc’g to Hebrew grammar and kabbalah  - Minhag to say v’shamru have what to rely on.

    Levi Yitzhak married g-son to g-daughter of BHT – saint and loved Jew people, married g- children to each other – 1807   parsha Nasso , big chasana – Shlobena chassana, spent several days together - LY: “when yiden say v’shamru it’s like a tremendous marketplace in heaven” tht’s where the action is.      BHT responded:  “I don’t have to be at every marketplace.”     I have to be real where I am and then I can go to the next step.


    Nefesh  - “hodu til baruch she’amar – neztach hod yesod – associated w/lower part of body    left right thigh and yesod = bris

    28:00 explains long text

    Nezach – branch of chesed – 2 levels    1.  Maintain/endurance/victory    After passionate davening commitment that rest of day will be guided by experience of Davening even though not nec’ly in tune w/my deepest values and feelings – make commitments even when not in the mood – passion carries me thru – I amake a heskem (agreement) to caryy on later

    L & R & ctr columns of sefiros             netzach under chesed cuz it’s a branch of chesed –

    34:00 Hod -   ability to acknowledge truth and surrender to truth, don’t remain stuck      even if don’t understand pratim must review     may even be unemotional

    Two types of hoda   1.  I know the truth yet don’t know details

              Ex   if open, one can modeh more things – might now even know why or how or what but know it’s true, maybe don’t even know that it’s this way  Yet know there’s truth there

    40:00  last step before turning to nachash is moideem –

    Need nezach & hod to live a wholesome life – being in touch w/who you really are – being in touch w/H”

    Modeh – submitting, giving in, agreeing

     at least know that truth is not inside me   -   hod in a person’s life

    42:30 How does know what “yarid” to attend?   What yarid “marketplace” should one go to?  One wants to be in a yarid that resonates w/you.  Where you can reach your full potential.   Embraces you.  Brings out your best w/o compromises.  Be brutally honest and open w/yourself.  Put your 100% into it, a place of truth.     passion            Where you can trust the vendors and the clients – respects where you are and yet helps you challenge yoursefl to go to the next step – don’t have to ‘amputate’ any part of yourself emotionally psychologically or intellectually ie can be yourself.   Where your soul can be on fire.   

    I don’t have to go to every yarid – smorgasborg don’t need to take everything, like to see it.  Can embrace that.  That is liberating and emancipating.   If I need to knosh everywhere, I can’t be anywhere – I’m at every yarid but can’t be anywhere. 

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  • R

    Rachel -4 years ago

    Yes, I don’t have to be at every yerid...

    I often feel that I’m losing out when I don’t participate in every yerid. I feel a sense of loss and missed opportunity.

    Often I’m looking for a yerid to ignite me with feelings of existence, passion and inspiration.
    And, or to give me a sense of belonging and connection.
    And then sometimes it just turns into a habit (from the Nefesh habahamous). But it ends up being a distraction from connecting to the truth of the Nefesh Elokus.
    Taking the time to be in the internal “yerid”  is the real challenge. It’s in the meditation and silence of the inner self that I find real connection. Connection to my daas. That inner knowing that is beyond mind that knows the truth of my soul. Deep down when I connect to my truth I can know which yerid to pursue. The one that will align my Nefesh habahamos with my Nefesh Elokus.

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    Aharon -4 years ago

    Gut Shabbos

    Thank you for your very good words

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    Aharon -4 years ago

    Henry David Thoreau

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    Aharon -4 years ago

    Rebbe mentioned earlier or last night - if one is truly looking for truth H' will help guide the person

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    Aharon -4 years ago

    Is 'yarid" - marketplace - fr the lashon "to go down' yarida?   if so , why

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  • A

    Aharon -4 years ago

    Is 'yarid" - marketplace - fr the lashon "to go down' yarida?   if so , why

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  • S

    Shmuly -4 years ago

    Please post the number to text for questions

    How does one really know when you are ready to aspire to a higher level if we are not supposed to want to be in the higher level? 

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  • A

    Aharon -4 years ago

    Could we please have shirim motzei Shabbos and/or sunday morn, eve   etc?    Maybe a piece of Rambam, a Likkutei M'Haran, Me'or Anyaim?  Or more great Sichas or Maamars fr one of the Rebbes of Chabad?    Yashar koach.   

    We need to esp prepare for after this crisis - how are we going to live after that?   How are things going to be different and better then?  How am I going to be better and different and more davak with H' and His goodness, light, love and hope and be more of an ambassador?

    As Rebbe has said repeatedly now is a wonderful opportunity for growth of all good kinds. 

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  • MF

    Marvin Factor -4 years ago

    • Dear Rabbi Jacobson
    • Watching and listening to you on the computer is not the same as sitting next to you in Scheiners in Monsey, but it is still an incredible Torah learning experience.  What a wonderful way to spend my time in confinement {not quarantine} in Eretz Hakodesh.  Thank you for your Torah!  This will be my first Shabbos not going to shul- perhaps I will be able to daven with more cavana. At 6:00 PM all my many neighbors are going to be on our marpesats and sing Yedee nefesh and Lcha Dodi together. 
    •  Isnt it amazing how revealed Hashams presense is in the whole world right now.  This is the first Shabbos in Israel when all businesses and transportion is shut down and enhancing Shmiras Shabbos!
    • Good Shabbos
    • Fondly Marvin Factor 

    Anytime you come to Eretz Yisrael and you need a place to stay, my house is your house.  We overlook Har Habais.

    914 373 7612 US number

    053 965 0066 Israel number

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Chassidus: Maamar Matzah Zu 5672 #4

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 20, 2020
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  • 24 Adar 5780
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