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The Baal Shem Tov On Emotions: Face Them All

The Ultimate Goal: Fusing the Lights of Chaos with the Structures of Finite Vessels

48 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Beshalach, 9 Shevat, 5780, February 4, 2020 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY 

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  • YR

    Y Rice -5 years ago


    Thank you for a great shiur. Question - while talking about mizvot de rabanan you said that the rabbis can't change reality. I thought they could, like when the Rabbonim of the sanhedrin removed the desire for idol worship from the world.  Is there a contradiction here? Or I misunderstand?  Thanks. 

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  • RA

    Reb Aharon -5 years ago

    Shir summary fr beg to end

                               Torah Ohr    “Mi Sam Peh” 1805 or 1803        Pg 102

    Jan 21, ‘10  Tues 

    Shcmittah – 7000 years                 "maksheh" – diff to understand, ask a q

    7:17  Ohr Chaim

    737   age of universe

    744 Moshe and Chanoch

    Jan 22 W

    715         Chidusha HaRim:  “sivlos Mitzrayim” -  pashut take way the burdens of the work of slavery

                                    CH:  give up the patience, the toleration, the endurance to be under bondage, to accept

    the status quo 

                                    H’ will rescue you from making peace with the status quo

    “from another schmittah”   

    Even Ezra:  1.  Moshe grew up in Paro’s house, slave mentality would’ve held him back

                    2.  people would’ve said “I knew him when he was a boy”              can’t be a navi in own city

    Tohu and Tikkun                               Illul & alllul      

       Each sefirah has:

                   rosh (beg’g, id w/some source),    

                    toch (inside, midst) ie who you are, “I”   

    sof – mentor, source for others


    9  x  9  = 81  x  3  = 243     plus 5      =   248            avarim of the body – keilim – mitigation, structure

        nakuda – point               kav – line         shetach – area

    J 23  Th

    review                                                  Tanya = “xray of the soul”

    Tohu – no partzufim, only nekudos – sefiros were not developed into details and nuances, length and

    breadth,  nakuda,  sefiros are ze achar ze    one depends on the other

    Tikkun – sefiros are partzufim,  built into complete organisms and structures which req details and

    details within details 

     9 x 9 = 243  + 5 = 248   

    248 kochos – manifest in a physical way – 248 limbs (“avarim”) – a spiritual structure mirrored in the


    2:41       Koach – a faculty of the soul to see, to hear, to move   raw, concentrated, authentic

    8 lines fr top pg 103

    Partzufim d’yashar -  

    Illul & alllul      

    730    Tohu –  full truth of everything, no bounds, raw, concentrated, authentic

                    1st shmitah – a reality preceding tikun – get to 2nd (ie tikun) thru the 1st

    736         Precedes tikun, a process – ohros are much, keilim are few


                    Intense light in narrow keilim – a synthesis, integration away fr the core, structure

    Keilim are great, ohros are few

    Kabalah Chasidis – BHT uses kabbalah language

         10 kochos – H’ identified within Himself      10 building blocks of creation

                      Made up of:

                        oros – musical notes in one’s head, ideas, energy, light, artist, self-expression,

          Keilim – lines on the paper,  limited, keilim, take out garbage,

          energy of tohu is compromised & diluted & contained in tikun

    each sefira for exs  has

                                              ohros ----------- chesed (love)                          chochmah                       binah

                                      and keilim - ------- how it’s expressed                        ideas                         epipany

    Fr Jan 24  708

    722        independence   interdependence     co dependence

    728 vort re:  Shemo lous    - got brochoa fr Yaakov

    Tohu – kigulim (vs. yashar)   -   circles, encompasses

                    A thought 100% absorbed in it, a bubble     yam = ocean

                    Speaks in the name of truth but is not absolute truth

                    Great oros, little keilim

    Tikkun -  yashar (vs kigulim)    straight, nuances, different aspects, infinite combo of midos,  

    begin’g/middle/end, integration      yabasha = dry land           less ohros more keilim

     730    text    p 52 ~22 lines down after (  )           

    Compromise – dialogue 

    “Something etched in the end that is not found in the begin’g and

    something etched in the begin’g that’s not found in the end”    

                    Going out of the rosh into the regel

    MLKing – “We all came in diff boats now we’re in the same boat”

    Creation:  emes and shalom fought against creating the world. 

    Emes said:   there’s gonna be sheker.  So H’ made tzedeka for emes to be satisfied

                    Shalom said:  there’s going to be hate.  So H’ made chesed for shalom to be pacified.

           H’ threw Emes away

                Kotzker Rebe:  why throw emes away?     

                                    Rambam:     mentions emes in his writings 

                             Lub Rebbe:  midas haemes – with a uniform, world can’t live with this

                                      Vs emes – no definition, not defined

    J 24 fri

    Tohu – in stages of development comes first, higher than tikkun, non-sustainable, purity, infinity,

    extremism, doesn’t ultimately touch anything but itself, the truth of the emotion

    Tikkun ----   “There’s something that’s etched in the end from the beginning“

    Medrash:  when H’ wanted to create the world there was a big debate.    Emes -= “don’t do it, the whole

    world is full of lies”      tzedek – they’ll give a lot of tzedeka so create the world

    Shalom – don’t create, everywhere is maklokes     chesed – they do a lot of chesed so create it

    2 against 2 so checkmate - H” took midos emes and threw it away, threw it into the

    earth    “emes                                                    m’eretz tizmach”    from the ground truth will sprout

        So now 2 against one so H’ created the world.

    Kotzker:  why did H’ throw emes away?  Could have thrown shalom away.  Cuz if emes is here, I don’t care if it’s one against a million, it still wins.    Numbers are irrelevant when dealing with truth.

    Rambam Mishna Torah:  uses word “the emes of the existence” 

    Lub Rebbe:

    Midas haemes –  measure of truth, has a picture, don’t create the world with this sheker

    Emes -  not defined by anything, doesn’t have a picture

                    If one can relate to this in any situation one will find meaning, light, hope there

                    Going out of the rosh, into the regel

    Sun Jan 28    1st column bot p 103

    8:00     tohu – can’t be sustained   

             “B’yanuka d’Balak” – story of a child in jPars Balak who smelled odor of garments that the man didn’t say shema yet

    Mond & tues no class

    Wed J 29   p 103       mid 2nd parag. 9 lines down

      Moshe Rabbenu – ohr is to great    

    Igulim vs Yashar       -  relate to   emotions    -  both capture a truth  

       Igulim – initial, tohu, requires tikun, all consumed, inner child emotion, concentrated, raw, ohros, ain sof, holier, deeper, like an atom’s energy,

        Yashar – analyze, tikun, after tohu, perspectives, a compromise, touches on something tohu doesn’t have , keilim, ie something new happens,

    Don’t be afraid of any emotion.

    Politics (pure)  - compromises               balanced, centered, not extreme

    44:00    Chisaron of tohu – it takes each middah to its infinity

        Need to be a child to become an adult

    H’ not defined by anything   so in the name of truth tohu covers up truth

    Yichud – experience of H’ w/o boundaries

              Space we create be/each other = truth

                     If we do that – that’s where “imageless” dwells

    Wars – from “my image is better than yours” attitude -

    Hiskalkalis – create space for opposite image, integration

    Sometimes the leg is hi’er than the head

    Infinity – defined or undefined

    H’ – never defined, no image

    In the space we give for each other the undefined reality dwells

    Cheruvim – image of H’ = male & female facing each other, where H’ spoke, Parshas Terumah,

    H’ spoke bet/the two cheruvim – boy and girl – Parshas Terumah – truth comes fr the space the male creates for the female and the space that the female creates for the male

    47:00  Reb YY spoke to NSA - ~ 36K employees – nat’l security agency  –

                How can man & woman be carved in image of G-d?   He has none!

                Male & female He created in the image of H’ – we are all images – yet if one can create space for another that is where imagelessness dwells

                Source of all wars – lack of seeing beyond images/appearances of others  -

    ie your image is inferior to  mine so war – Torah says we are all in

    G-d’s image, expressions of infinity  so we are beyond that

    Hiskallalus/tikun - Create space for an opposite image – so in space bet/male &

    female that’s where the divine can be communicated

    53:00   tikkun – insists on compromise    politics in the truest purest sense

    Th J 30   p 103 3rd para.

    A presentation has a beg/mid/end – keilim – structure

    World of communication – from ohros to keilim – a lot of limiting –

    don’t fit in the keilim given to them

    Great artist – able to express deep inner

    Once words are articulated, some truth is compromised

    “I’ve concealed my worlds so I won’t sin to you”   Teh.  119  

    Man or woman w/a lot of ohros – my have incorrect keilim – not ready to betray my ohros for you, for the family, for society, ie for keilim

    Gem Shabbos  children are little moshiach’s , don’t touch the children moshiach

    BHT – children – tohu

    Text:  Ohr Chaim   why doesn’t H’ just fix Moshes speech impediment

    Valley of the Blind – Dr. Reggie Gold speaks about living in a world of blind people without vision while retaining one's vision.  if interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZd8_BAHVGM

    F J 31   

    Sometimes to be remembered one has to be absent.   We have to remember

    things when they’re present, not only when they’re absent.

    Pg 103 col 2 on bottom

    When Moshe speaks the limitless ohr can’t come out cuz it’s too big, he’s

    humbled by the tikun, his limitation is not that he doesn’t have enuf keilim

    to hold the ohr, rather there’s too much ohr to hold

    H’ says “Who made the mouth to lah’adam, hinei Anochi Hashem” –

    “lah’adam” -  to that man               not “l’adam” – to man      

    Adam – tikkun, full partzumim, full organism, fully developed structure of a person

                Spiritually – represents adam haelyon al hakisai – world of atzilus -

    Ohr penimum – internalized

    Ohr makif – encompassing, transcendent, superconscious, subconscious, beyond human or the world’s consciousness

    Integrate tohu and tikun – H’ brought “Anochi YudKeyVavKey” to Moshe

    Each 248 avair – each is a unique keili/way to express emotions

    Chazal describe a blind person “sagi ohr” – a blind man – overwhelming light w/o enuf keilim to detect/capture it

    H’s response to Moshe:  “Anochi HaShem” – I made tohu and tikun!

    Paradox of tohu & tikun only comes when one experiences them, when Anochi H’

    is introduced all is changed - only bringing them together achieves shalamis

                   Each capture a major truth in an opposite way – both have to be – can’t

    deny one or the other

    By all things there is 2 parts – the way it is and the way we percieive/interpret it,

    our version of reality

    Ohr person w/o keilim – great dreams but can’t get anything accomplished, no

    infrastructure, schedule,

    Tikun person – shows up on time even when he doesn’t know why,  

    Words, sentences, paragraphs, notes of music written down – keilim

    Tohu – 10 sefiros – fullest infinite intensity – nekudos of each mida, excludes

    every other reality

    If one is in tohu, another person can’t relate to him thru kilim/tikun

                Ex child crying and parent is trying to explain with keilim/reasons

    Real keilim are always trying to reveal but revealing is always about concealing

    cuz one has to conceal that which is above revelation

    Moshe:  there’s something special about tikun

    Abishter – “the one on top”         

    Lub Rebbe:  Abishter - wherever you are It’s just higher

    Rambam:   “ a metzios w/o a metzios” – a existence w/o an existence

    Tohu – says ‘truth is infinite’ – Ain sof is manifested/expressed in midos – one

    mida cannot coexist w/another mida

    Tikun – captures truth of coexistence – captures the undefined reality where

    everything works as one, is indivisible

    See infinity in it also when tap into “anochi”

    Kotzker – why can’t you be more balanced?  Who goes in the middle of the road? 

    Horses!  Men go to the left or the right.  You want me to be a horse?   I’m

    not trying to accommodate everyone! 

    Rambam – derech of a Jew is to go in middle, not too far right or left

    Centeredness – 2 types – from fear or from infinity

                Tikun fr weakness – don’t want to have problem with anyone, maintain

    status quo, middle of the road person, don’t want to belief too much in anything

    Tikun from strength – fr a deeper place, comes fr touching essence, has

    hiskallalus/integration, not afraid of infinity

    Tohu & tikun get ain sof but with opposite – both are expression of a tremendous


    With “Anochi H’ who made the mouth” consciousness introduced into one’s life –

    The kli that defines the light can be as real/infinite as the ohr that refuses

    to be defined

    Paradox of tohu and tikun is very real until one touches the “Anochi”

    Until one touches “anochi” the infinity of tohu can’t dwell in the finiteness of

    tikun and the finiteness of tikun defines the infinity nature of tohu.

    T Feb 4


    BST:    “Becuz you see Egypt today but you will never see them again forever”  


                BST – the only way you won’t see them again is if you see them today!


    Make a place of ohros of tohu in your keilim – confront it – tohu is only chaos if it doesn’t have the keilim to hold it ie

    “I can’t handle it.”  “I can’t deal with it”. – alot of diff options when in this head space.   Smile and say “welcome hatohu”.       Can one create a space for not having space!?  A difficult moment.

    Tikun & tofu are both from “Anochi”

    Anochi – undefined essence

    Tohu – not an escape fr tikun, an expression of the infiniteness of H’ and so things manifest themselves in an infinite way – puts one in touch with their core self

    No integration, no hiskalalus

    Tikun – not a defense mechanism, a manifestation of the undefined essence where everything is included, structures to facilitate infinity not to limit reality

    Not traps and prisons rather to transcend –

    Anochi – when it’s introduced allows tikun to create space for tohu and tohu to make space for tikun

    In the tension between tohu and tikun is the place of integration .

    In the space they create for each other that they touch that which transcends them both and therefore connects them both.  Where they both touch anochi

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  • H

    Hershel -5 years ago


    Why dont you explain the inyan of akudim?

    Isnt that even an higher expression of tohu

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Chassidus: Torah Ohr Mi Sam Peh #9

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 4, 2020
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  • 9 Sh'vat 5780
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