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Don’t Be Scared of the Extremism of Your Emotions

Before Compromise You Must Experience the Pure Intensity of Tohu

49 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday Parshas Va'era, 26 Teves, 5780, January 23, 2020 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY 

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  • E

    esther -5 years ago

    Validating Tohu

    This was a beautiful class, validating Tohu. It was raw and real.

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  • R

    Rachelle -5 years ago

    When the Alte Rebbe talks I know that tremendous gifts are about to descend. With excitement and awe I try to empty myself as much as possible. Making room for the Divine new perspective that is being revealed.

    It’s amazing how all those teachings resonate so deeply in the soul. As if all the teachings from those maimorim are familiar and the soul knows them. Knows them like a forgotten melody. So are those teachings, they are music to my soul that I long and crave for. Oy!

    I was searching for this melody and light for so long....

    With the Alte Rebbe’s Torah my soul feels it has arrived home.
    There is no other place I would rather be than in the splendor of all those Divine revelations. All those inspirations and Infinite truths transport me back to were I belong, together with me and God.

    Thank you so much for reconnecting us to our Divine light.

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  • I

    isaac -5 years ago

    my translation of or and keli

    Ohr and Keili = flow and structure

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  • M

    Moshe -5 years ago

    Our physical eyes have limited range during life

    And after life, our eyes can see the whole world without the  limitations of  life. How ironic it is, therefore,  that while alive we can only see so far, but we can DO much, we can manipulate our world,  do mitzvos, chesed, etc. But the eyes of  those after life, who can see so much more, cannot even move a barleycorn an inch! 

      See a little and do much while here, and see a lot but do nothing afterwards.  

    It must be  painful for them up there who can see what they did while alive, and can see what we're doing but can't do anything about  it  (except maybe come on a dream?). 

      We need to have the eyes and vision they have there while we're here and can do much. 

      Epigenetics means that our dna has more than just physical characteristics but also includes encoded memories, experiences, etc. Yes, that includes that we were all at Sinai together. It includes that we aren't terrorists cuz our ancestors ate kosher,  domesticated animals, etc. 

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Chassidus: Torah Ohr Mi Sam Peh #3

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 23, 2020
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  • 26 Tevet 5780
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